torrent throttling or Deluge config?

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torrent throttling or Deluge config?

Post by tomserv0 »

The last few days, my torrents have all been getting choked out within a couple minutes of starting. This is occurring on multiple ISP services, in multiple countries on vacation. I've tested both with VPNs and without - hotels, cafes, free wifi at McDs.. the behavior is the same. Straight speedtests on some ISPs show results of 20-50mbps, but any torrent grinds to a halt after only 5 or 10Mb downloaded, no matter what the size or content.

That suggests it's a torrent client issue rather than ISP throttling. The fact it still occurs with VPN services that I've used back in the US for me is pretty much the smoking gun.

Can I reset Deluge configuration without removing/losing any archived torrents? Or is there any way to test definitively whether ISP throttling is occurring? Should I test another client like picotorrent or uTorrent?
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Re: torrent throttling or Deluge config?

Post by ambipro »

Does the file actually get created on the disk? Are you downloading the files locally to the same computer running Deluge?

You can rename %APPDATA%\deluge to get Deluge to create a new blank configuration. After that you can move what you need back (label.conf, state folder, plugins, etc) and see.

I wouldn't expect stellar speeds on those public wifi hotspot, if it's even possible to torrent on them at all....but it shouldn't stall.
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Re: torrent throttling or Deluge config?

Post by tomserv0 »

The files do start, but they choke out and stop within a few Mb. Yes, they are stored on a local disk.

since last night, I've tested a couple public cafe locations and my hotel wifi with Deluge 2.1.1 (Win10) and Picotorrent with the same files. Out of the box (fresh install) Pico blew right through the files at about 10mbps immediately completing a few hundred Mb files in less than 5 minutes, while Deluge choked up after only a few Mb downloaded in each file. I will try resetting the Deluge config to see what happens.
Last edited by tomserv0 on Sun Dec 17, 2023 7:53 am, edited 2 times in total.
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