Libtorrent version and Deluge

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Libtorrent version and Deluge

Post by jeps »

Hi there.

Hope someone can help me out.
I have just finish installing a new server using Linux Mint Edge 21.2 with kernel 6.2.
When I add the Deluge developer PPA and try to install Deluge, the installation fails, because Libtorrent 2.09 is the default in my OS.

What can I do to install Deluge?
Force installation of Libtorrent 2.08 and how?
Make Deluge dev version accept Libtorrent 2.09 and how?

Why is there a:
and a
I have (in other situations) had a hard time making Linux choose the right one.
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Re: Libtorrent version and Deluge

Post by mhertz »

Hi jeps, one is for qbittorrent(*-20), other for deluge(*-2.0) and conflict, I believe, as need built different. Easiest I believe, is if you could remove qbittorrent, and if not done for you, the *-20 libtorrent. Not 100% sure though, only looked at it for 30 secs or so.

Edit: The Debian/ubuntu deluge packages uses libtorrent-2.0.x, but the deluge PPA uses 1.2.x still seemingly. Still think need remove qbittorrent and the *-20 libtorrent firstly.
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Re: Libtorrent version and Deluge

Post by jeps »

Thanks for your input.

Yeah, qBittorrent and Deluge can not co-exist, I know that, hence I wrote about the 2 different rasterbar versions.

Even if I remove qBit and the libtorrent package it doesn't make a difference.
The installations of Deluge trickers an Libtorrent 2.09 installation ...

I first tried the Deluge installation without anything else installed, but installing Deluge trickers a libtorrent 2.09 installation.
I think the dev version of Deluge uses Libtorrent 2.xx version (I have seen another of my machines using Libtorrent 2.05.

I am kind of stuck, maybe I need another OS ...
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Re: Libtorrent version and Deluge

Post by mhertz »

I only have an ubuntu and debian testing VM's, not mint, but i'm still guessing highly it's qbittorrent that's the issue.

In older times qbittorrent atleast in PPA, used rasterbar-20, making issues, but I tested doesn't anymore(so using rasterbar2.0), neither in non-PPA, stable PPA or unstable PPA.

If installing qbittorrent from non-PPA, then can indeed coexist with deluge(libtorrent 2.0.5 both), atleast here, but if installing from PPA, then still cannot, as draws in new libtorrent which despite same name, then build incompatible, so breaks importing through python3-libtorrent bindings of deluge. I can install here without error, but fails with import error at trying start deluge.

Have you tested 'sudo apt purge qbittorrent' and then 'sudo apt autoremove', and then install deluge?

Deluge uses libtorrent 2.0.5 when installed from non-PPA on ubuntu/debian, and 1.2.16 when from PPA, stable and dev, slight variances upon OS version, but there-about. Libtorrent 2.0.9 here is related to qbittorrent PPA interferrense with deluge.

Granted I don't know if mint does something else, I never tried it ever honestly. If what I said don't help, I will test a liveCD of it though I think, at a point at least.

Edit: Mint 21.x should only have libtorrent 2.0.5 for install, so using the deb package like ubuntu/debian, so libtorrent 2.0.9 comes from qbittorrent PPA(unless having added specifically an libtorrent 2.0.x PPA/repo).
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Re: Libtorrent version and Deluge

Post by jeps »

Maybe the issue is the "Edge" in Linux Mint Edge 21.2
Maybe they have used Ubuntu 23.04 as basis to get the new kernel.

Anyway, as is said earlier, on a complete virgin OS, installing "dev deluge" trickers a Libtorrent 2.09 installation.
Just no way around it.
And as you say, the installation seems okay, but deluged cannot start.

So if I want deluge - I have to use a "vanilla" Mint 21.2

It is somewhat strange, that the Deluge installation doesn't make sure that all dependencies are in place.
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Re: Libtorrent version and Deluge

Post by mhertz »

OK I just tested your exact distro, and so as said please remove qbittorrent and install deluge anew.

You either have a qbittorrent PPA defined, or a libtorrent 2.x PPA, or alike, probably former.

I tested liveCD first, with same result, but just to be 100% certain(despite updated firstly), I also did fresh install of mint 21.2-edge in the VM, updated again just in case, and checked 'sudo apt policy libtorrent-rasterbar2.0' to see what was being installed if needed that , and was 2.0.5 from main repo. I sudo add-apt-repository xxxxxxxxx', 'sudo apt update' and sudo apt install deluge, and no problems installing or running deluge from dev PPA, and uses libtorrent 2.0.5 from main repos because dev PPA only features 1.2.16.

If not adding that dev PPA on your clean mint, then gets deluge 2.0.3 and libtorrent 2.0.5 both from main repos.

So, uninstall qbittorrent, remove the PPA/repo added for it(and/or libtorrent 2.x PPA if added that), and install deluge anew from dev PPA. 'sudo grep -iR qbittorrent /etc/apt' will show entries/drop-in files with such. Can also add -r switch to add-apt-repository command originally added PPA with, to remove again automatically i.e. 'sudo add-apt-repository ppa:qbittorrent-team/qbittorrent-stable -r'.

Hope helps.
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Re: Libtorrent version and Deluge

Post by jeps »

Holy Moses, thanks for your insight.

I had added ppa's for both Deluge and qBittorrent and that made Libtorrent 2.09 get installed (from qBittorrent ppa apparently)
Even if qBbittorrent hadn't been installed.

As soon as I removed the qBittorrent ppa and did a sudo apt update everything worked.
The logic must be, that Mint tries to get the newest Libtorrent version - even from a different ppa.
I really think this is a bug in the OS, but my Deluge works now :D

Thank you for your help!
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Re: Libtorrent version and Deluge

Post by mhertz »

You're welcome buddy, glad to hear it :) And you're right in apt works like that also.
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