Unofficial Deluge 2.0.x for Windows installer

Specific support for Deluge on Microsoft Windows OS
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Re: Unofficial Deluge 2.0.x for Windows installer

Post by mhertz »

Found your thread on libtorrent github, interesting read :) Anyway, I think you're using my build, and I don't patch and instead run b2 directly from my build-script as no advantage in using when knowing the needed commands/args and platform etc - I don't add the switch to disable IOCP, so i'd highly suspect it's enabled, but not sure what Arvid meant with the automatic build configuration specifically( maybe), that could fail, and I don't know how check for IOCP is enabled or not sorry, did search it up without success though.

I read Arvid stated it could be deducted possibly if debug symbols added to release build and that it would be interesting seeing your screenshoot's with debug-symbols enabled, so I built that for you, and you can ask Arvid again if he can interpret the results of a new test-run, if wanted. I hope it works on your end, as I just last night checked my build-scripts still works, as I hadent done that in a couple months and so I just wanted to check a last time if anything needing fixing before quitting this altogether and tagging my deluge2 windows github repos as "Archived" I.e "unmaintained", which I then did, but so anyway, this "debug-symbol release" libtorrent is for python3.9, which I think you have from your screenshoot, or else give me a shout if using the py3.8 "win7" version, or if there's any other incompatibilities as built from newer components. As this is a release build, then debug-symbols supplied in external pdb file. I don't know much about such honestly, but know it has path hardcoded inside, to said pdb file, but atleast for debuggers I read quickly that it also looks in same dir as binary - this is a pyd though, so I would probably try both have the pdb next to the pyd and also maybe copy the pdb to be inside the main folder where deluge.exe is, just in case.

Edit: Sorry, backup 'libtorrent.pyd' from 'Lib\site-packages' of install-dir or just rename with '-bak' ending' and then extract and copy the two files into 'Lib\site-packages' and then also copy the pdb into main install-dir as stated, just in case. You can also take a copy of your install-folder and copy it into another place and exchange the files there and run test and delete afterwards, as the folder is made pretty portable by default, though reads same profile from %appdata% unless having installed with 'Portable install' enabled during install.
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Re: Unofficial Deluge 2.0.x for Windows installer

Post by idiocracy »

Oh wow, that was very nice of you to do. I was sure i was using one of petersasi builds, guess i was wrong.
I'll give it a shot and see what happens, thanks.
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Re: Unofficial Deluge 2.0.x for Windows installer

Post by mhertz »

You're very welcome mate and thanks for your post likewise :)

Edit: Saw your pics you posted, though have no idea how interpret it, but atleast iocp is mentioned several times, so seemingly is enabled in boost-asio.
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Re: Unofficial Deluge 2.0.x for Windows installer

Post by mhertz »

Sorry just quick note. As said, i've tagged my deluge2 windows git-repo's as "archived"(read-only), as unmaintained now, and I wasen't gonna do this, but after a few days thinking about it, then pretty stupid to just delete the build produced by my final testing of scripts before the repo archivals just for some overly fear of "correctness" lol, so anyway i'll upload my very final build before deleting my windows VMs, hope Peter don't mind and as said, won't happen again.

Latest versions of python(3.9.5), libtorrent 1.2.x(1.2.14+), gtk 3.24.x(3.24.29+), openssl(1.1.1k), boost(1.76) etc. This is win10 x64 build(Win8 and up should be fine too) so sorry for win7 and/or x86 users(though fixed a few bugs in both win7 repos too before archivals, because some url's had changed(boost + nsis module).

This build appears as deluge 2.0.3 on trackers even "harder" than before in my builds, so trackers not accepting dev builds isn't an issue here. I didn't bother make 2.0.3 build, as isn't 2.0.3 anyway as includes most important develop fixes also, and main point of that version was trackers not accepting dev builds, which as said, fixed here anyway. Includes as my previous few builds the fixes for ipv6 and being able to bind to VPN by device-name(Guid) instead of just IP(Thanks strangelovian!) and deps added to make sound notifications work(pygame), mail-notification work and execute plugin work etc, and WPO(LTO) optimized builds of all 3 libtorrents and openssl.

I apologize in advance for not fixing any possible bugs by me reported later on, which I don't much like honestly, but as said, better than deleting it I thought regardless.


Edit: Link above updated to match build two posts down.
Last edited by mhertz on Sat Jun 19, 2021 4:40 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Unofficial Deluge 2.0.x for Windows installer

Post by mhertz »

Ah crap, I decided to wait 24 hours before deleting my windows VMs, just incase getting a report about something I screwed up right after, but now came to think about that I only checked it started up and seemingly worked, but forgot check if debug log showed any issues, and now see there are actually a single issue listed, which I don't know yet if is important or not, so i'll see if I can fix this, and if cannot, then you'll will have to forget this release and i'm really sorry for posting this without testing it better.

Sorry about that.
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Re: Unofficial Deluge 2.0.x for Windows installer

Post by mhertz »

Stupid error with geoip database url momentarilly down and so deluge showing OSError-22 during runtime when seeing 0 size geoip database files, but it listed in error message references to of python stdlib instead, so I thought was a new python incompatibility regarding this and pygeoip. Anyway, a few hours later of unsuccesfull goose-chasing I finally noticed that stupid 0 filesize of geoip v4 and v6 database files lol :)

Sorry again folks.

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Re: Unofficial Deluge 2.0.x for Windows installer

Post by PhiliP »

Hello Mhertz

Would you make a Labelplus pluginn for 3.9.5 (your last deluge-2.0.4.dev56.exe)

and a deluge-patch.exe (remove torrent dialog box and delete .torrent and the file without dialog box yo rememeber ?)

Please :) ?

Or may be i won't have any improvement to go to your last dev if i doesn't have any problem with your 2.0.4.dev38 running on my system ??
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Re: Unofficial Deluge 2.0.x for Windows installer

Post by mhertz »

Hi PhiliP :)

I don't honestly know if you will see improvements upgrading, so if everything works good for you already then don't have to update, up to you, but the new build though is having updated newest versions of pretty much everything plus various extra fixes compared to dev38, but as said, up to you.

For labelplus you just download the bdutro forked py3.8 version and rename to py3.9 that's all. In the labelplus thread I previously built and posted bdutro's latest version including applied the two currently pending PRs submitted to bdutro by Serene-Arc and sammys, for inverse reg-ex autolabeling support, and fixing an autolabeling bug with the added magnet handler - I dropped the py3.x notion altogether, so works here too. It's in the last post of the labelplus thread, but i'll repost it here for you: LabelPlus- (Edit: bdutro's labelplus fork displayes a type-error on terminal/log upon enabling plugin on arch-linux, which uses newest components of all the deps like my windows build - I don't know if also does in my build, but I would guess so, but seems to work regardless so propperly not important - I reported this several months ago in that thread, and happens also without any of the PRs applied).

I haden't deleted my windows VMs just yet, so I checked the last deluge-patch.exe I posted to you(which hardcodes bottom tabbar's 'Files' tab as the focused tab on startup, and deletes torrents with data without extra dialog/OK-click), and still works. It's on page 16 of this thread if needing it again. As said earlier, then the deletion of the .torrent metafile additionally to the paylpad data, isn't really possible currently as far as I can see, hence never added this.

Edit: @all, deleted my windows VM's now. Just a heads-up.
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Re: Unofficial Deluge 2.0.x for Windows installer

Post by PhiliP »

@ Mhertz

I hope you're fine. thank for your reponse.

For the dialog box, i had tested before asking BUT i did not realise to close deluge to make it work. So it wasn't, and now that i realised it i can make it work too :D Thanks for the information ("still works") :)

For Label plus, i found the thread and the fork but i didn't remember the exact procedure to make it work but searching it now work (left panel, and add a name for the label was the missing point in my procedure)

Last, you did remeber i asked you to make disapear the uselless tabs (to me) in the bottom bar. I just realise that it can be chosen to let a single tab with the select cases in the top menu... If it can help...
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Re: Unofficial Deluge 2.0.x for Windows installer

Post by mhertz »

I'm fine bro, and thank you for asking :)

I'm glad it still works for you mate, both the patch and labelplus, and thanks also for posting the tip about the bottom tabbar, I guess many didn't knew that, like me, so maybe the part of that deluge-patch which I setup to show/focus the "Files" tab wasent even needed after all - I don't currently have the GTKUI installed on my computer, as only use deluged and deluge-console myself, but I do remember there where 2 gtkui state files in deluge profile folder, saving state of bottom tabs also(which I stated might need be deleted as else could interfere and make that part of patch not work anyway), so makes sence there are options for controlling this, which I just somehow never corrolated myself at the time seemingly.

Thanks for your post mate :)
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