Why is there no Deluge 2.0 exe for Windows

Specific support for Deluge on Microsoft Windows OS
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Re: Why is there no Deluge 2.0 exe for Windows

Post by mhertz »

That's great pkgfi, good job and looks good to me :)

Anyway, just wanted to remind the good people here that it's this ticket you should monitor for changes to the windows packaging issue and development, to hopefully soon get a real windows installer out.

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Re: Why is there no Deluge 2.0 exe for Windows

Post by highvoltage »

Hello mhertz, thanks for your work, just a doubt before continuing will i lose my torrents that are seeded in deluge 1.3.15? about 400 torrents after update?
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Re: Why is there no Deluge 2.0 exe for Windows

Post by mhertz »

Just in case, as with any update, backup your stuff, here I believe it's '%appdata%\deluge\state\', but backup the whole deluge folder just in case.

Anyway, I just tested this, albeit just with one seeding torrent but should still apply. I also wanted to see if they could co-exist, so I just stopped deluge-1.3.15 and installed deluge-2.0, and when starting deluge-2.0, then the seeding torrent from old deluge was now loaded in new deluge. when stopping new deluge and starting the old then the seeding torrent was still loaded.

Again, just in case, always keep backups, as with everything IT related.

@all, Sorry, I reuploaded the uninstall script because one of the lines I had copy/pasted from the web had stupid utf-8 special double-quotes hard to see with the naked eye, so I didn't catch it and the line worked when copied into terminal which I tested, but from the script it didn't(as it saved itself as utf-8 instead of ansi because of those stupid quotes), so the vc-runtime and python wasen't uninstalled with that script. That can easilly be done manually by yourself from add/remove programs menu in windows, but you can also download the script again and run it(as admin - rightclick it) and it will remove everything left and just ignore the things already removed. Again, as before I take no liability for any issues encountered therefrom! - Have to say this ;) Sorry again!
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Re: Why is there no Deluge 2.0 exe for Windows

Post by jeps »

Your script works fine on Windows 10, but fails on Windows server 2016.
The power shell window simply disappears, is there a log file somewhere?

The installer script manages to make a (non-functional) shortcut to Deluge on the Desktop, but the Deluge.exe is never generated/compiled.
Do you have some ideas?
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Re: Why is there no Deluge 2.0 exe for Windows

Post by mhertz »

Thanks for reporting, fixed now and re'upped. You can run the uninstall-script and thereafter the fixed install-script, if wanted.

I downloaded a Server 2016 ISO(180 day evaluation copy) from MSFT and installed it into a VM and tested the install-script and firstly I found one of the download-links was down currently, so the script would have failed also on Windows 10. After finding an alternative link and changing the script accordingly, then it again error'ed out on Server 2016, whereas when I retested in my Win10-VM it worked fine. Anyway I fixed it and it should now work correctly on both Windows 10 and Server 2016 (x64 only). As usual, use at own risk everyone :)
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Re: Why is there no Deluge 2.0 exe for Windows

Post by jeps »

Thanks, it works fine now.

Boy, I hope a solution for the plug ins is coming soon.
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Re: Why is there no Deluge 2.0 exe for Windows

Post by mhertz »

I fixed the issue with the built-in plugins, added it to the install-script and re'upped it. For fixing your current install I also made a script so you don't need to un/re-install. Rightclick and run as admin while having deluge(d) closed.

Last edited by mhertz on Wed Aug 28, 2019 7:48 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Why is there no Deluge 2.0 exe for Windows

Post by jeps »

I am (almost ;) ) speechless, thanks again.
Is it fully use able now.
Thanks again!

Do you have any ideas if the colours are user defined in some way.
In Windows a Clicked non-active line in the transfer view is almost unreadable.
It would be nice to get that sorted.
And even better with alternate line colours in transfer view.

okay, okay I stop now, just happy we got the plug ins working.
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Re: Why is there no Deluge 2.0 exe for Windows

Post by mhertz »

Heh, thanks alot mate, although all thanks should strictly go to Cas and the rest of the actual developers, past and present, but nonetheless I do apreciate it regardless :)

Firstly, i've re'upped the deluge-2.0-fix-plugins.bat script from my previous post(and also the previously posted deluge-2.0-installer.bat), though there's nothing wrong with the previous version and you wil not notice any changes if running the new one, but i'm just rather pedantic and as I found that copying the plugins wasn't needed(though doesn't hurt either), so the new script keeps the plugins the more correct place and deletes the copied ones which the previous script made. Rightclick and run as admin, while having deluge(d) closed, though again, it's optional to run it, as wont change anything from a practical/functional standpoint, I just have little OCD with such things I must admit, lol. Also, if running the script, then don't worry about some errors possibly flashing by on-screen, as it's by design and not "real" errors.

Anyway, I see what you mean jeps, and the only way I know how to fix this, is to change the used theme. I used the win32 gtk3-theme in my install-script, as Cas stated that it would improve the look somewhat, but I see the hard to read issue you're referring to with it. If using the default theme instead, I believe it's adwaita or something, then I didn't get that issue myself with the hard to read part, but I don't know if the theme otherwise appeals to you. It's very easy to change to this, as you just open the file 'C:\gvsbuild\release\etc\gtk-3.0\settings.ini' and simply comment-out the line starting with 'gtk-theme-name' , i.e. change:

Code: Select all

To instead:

Code: Select all

Or, alternatively, you could simply delete the whole file, it's up to you and gets same result, but it's just easier to revert back if needed by merely removing the '#' symbol.

If this solution isn't good enough, then you can lastly try the darker variant of that by adding this line additionally to 'settings.ini'(in addition to commenting out 'gtk-theme-name' as stated above):

Code: Select all

If not liking these possibilities, then you need to find another gtk3-theme, preferably a win10 one, and download and extract to correct place and define to load it in settings.ini and there's a bunch of those online + guides on how it's done, and also pkgfi previously in this thread described how he applied a dark theme and posted pics of the outcome: viewtopic.php?f=12&t=55404&start=20#p230187

When reading on the GTK site about Windows, then they state the win32 theme is mimicking Windows 7 and so if wanting a proper look on Windows 10 then they suggest using the 3'rd party Windows 10 Transformation Pack instead. Directions for that follows here:

Download zip: https://github.com/B00merang-Project/Wi ... master.zip
Extract the archive.
Make a new empty folder named Windows10 under 'C:\gvsbuild\release\share\themes'
Copy the folder 'gtk-3.20' from the 'Windows-10-master' folder into 'C:\gvsbuild\release\share\themes\Windows10'.
Change 'C:\gvsbuild\release\etc\gtk-3.0\settings.ini' so that it states 'gtk-theme-name=Windows10'
Start Deluge.

It's very white'ish, so if wanting a dark version, add 'gtk-application-prefer-dark-theme=1' into 'C:\gvsbuild\release\etc\gtk-3.0\settings.ini'.

For both the white and black version, it was also recomended using in 'C:\gvsbuild\release\etc\gtk-3.0\settings.ini': 'gtk-font-name=Segoe UI 9', but didn't change much for me as far as I could see.

Good luck :)
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Re: Why is there no Deluge 2.0 exe for Windows

Post by dopedangel »

@mhertz thanks for the bat files I wanted to install deligue 2.0 on my linux server but withoutan easy remote client install on windows I was hesitating. Got it working in one go with your bat files.
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