FlexRSS plugin

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Re: FlexRSS plugin

Post by daddy »

Good catch, markybob. Fixed, new version uploaded.

Coming soon: option to only download shows after a provided episode, history browser/editor, then some documentation. Then I'm out of ideas, so any requests?
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Re: FlexRSS plugin

Post by daddy »

Another new version, bumped the minor version to 1. It adds support for history restriction so you're not downloading stuff you don't want.

I decided against the history browser/editor idea (I just don't think it would be useful for anything other than debugging), so I'm now out of ideas. If there is something you want, speak up. Otherwise, this will probably be pretty stagnant.

I'll eventually put documentation at http://dev.deluge-torrent.org/wiki/Plugins/FlexRSS, but if anyone feels like starting it off, be my guest :)
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Re: FlexRSS plugin

Post by gazpachoking »

I like this plug-in a lot, but I can't quite get it working as expected. It seems that once I create a filter and leave the options screen, when I go back to view that filter again deluge crashes. The output from the console before the crash is this:

(deluge:17419): libglade-WARNING **: unknown property `tooltip_column' for class `GtkTreeView'
/usr/share/deluge/plugins/FlexRSS/plugin.py:1245: Warning: gsignal.c:1617: signal `file_set' is invalid for instance `0x89678c0'
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

Once the filter is set up it will automatically start the downloads, but...
The other issue is with saving to custom paths. Whenever I set a custom path to save a particular filter to deluge ignores it and saves to my home folder anyway. Also, if you go to view the filter again it has the parent directory of the location you specified saved in the field. e.x. If I set my download path to /media/bigdisk/TV/Psych the next time I view it it will be saved as TV (in the 2 seconds you can see the filter before deluge crashes, see first bug)

I first tried version 0.1.1 of the plugin with deluge I have also tried the latest svn of deluge with the same results. I am using ubuntu 7.04 feisty fawn.

EDIT: OK, those warnings don't have anything to do with the crash it seems, they come up when the main flexrss prefs window is loaded. Also, only filters that have a custom directory set will crash deluge. I can prevent deluge from crashing by clicking on a filter that doesn't have a custom directory set before clicking one that does. I need to do this each time the preferences window is loaded, and if done all the other filters remember their correct paths (they still download to my home folder though)
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Re: FlexRSS plugin

Post by daddy »


Glad you like the plugin, sorry you're having trouble with it, but thanks for reporting the bug.

I can't duplicate the crash, but there is some odd behaviour there... I'll attach an updated version which fixes the problems I'm having here. Please let me know if this fixes things for you--if so, I'll update the first post.

As far as not downloading to the selected directory, I'm afraid that was a rather stupid mistake I made with one of the updates. It is also fixed.

Thanks again for the bug report :)

Edit: removed attachment--download from first post in this thread instead.
Last edited by daddy on Sun Aug 19, 2007 12:15 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: FlexRSS plugin

Post by gazpachoking »

Awesome. Sweet. Thank you, thank you. Works like a charm, fixes all my problems. Here ends my quest for a bittorrent client set-up that has all the features I need.

EDIT: Oops, looks like history restriction is broken in the test match area (or was that never working, now I can't remember). In any case no matter what I set the history restriction to it tells me it's a match (but doesn't actually download if it's not supposed to).
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Re: FlexRSS plugin

Post by daddy »

gazpachoking wrote:EDIT: Oops, looks like history restriction is broken in the test match area (or was that never working, now I can't remember). In any case no matter what I set the history restriction to it tells me it's a match (but doesn't actually download if it's not supposed to).
Actually, that is intentional, but I can see where it would be misleading, especially with the test section being below the history restriction section. I guess I could make it say "Doesn't Match" but still set the series/episode (or date)... Okay, done--I'll post it in the first message. I also fixed that invalid signal error.

Let me know if you have any other bugs/suggestions.
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Re: FlexRSS plugin

Post by gazpachoking »

I have started getting this error when it tries to refresh the feed

Code: Select all

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/deluge/interface.py", line 883, in update
  File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/deluge/plugins.py", line 111, in update_active_plugins
  File "/usr/share/deluge/plugins/FlexRSS/plugin.py", line 1493, in update
  File "/usr/share/deluge/plugins/FlexRSS/plugin.py", line 1431, in parse_feed
    if not ((feed['id'] in filter['feeds']) or (0 in filter['feeds'])):
TypeError: 'in <string>' requires string as left operand
If I do not have threaded mode turned on his also freezes any of the downloads I have running and ultimately crashes deluge.

Another thing that just happened, I don't have a pulldown to look at the torrents on my feeds anymore... It still worked after I updated to that first release you put out for me, but sometime in between then and now it disappeared. Updating to 0.1.3 did not help either of these problems.
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Re: FlexRSS plugin

Post by daddy »

That's odd. I can't reproduce it, and I have no idea why filter['feeds'] would be a string. Could you replace your FlexRSS/plugin.py with the attached file and post the result--it should give me a bit more information about what is causing the error.

If you like, feel free to PM me and/or censor URLs and titles.
From 0.1.3, with a bit of extra debugging information around your error.
(10.28 KiB) Downloaded 332 times
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Re: FlexRSS plugin

Post by gazpachoking »

Man, I have no idea what's going on with my setup. With the new plugin.py I stopped getting the error that crashes the rss update thread. The console now outputs this:
*** ERROR ***
{'url': 'http://www.demonoid.com/rss/0.xml', 'interval': 900, 'enabled': True, 'id': 21, 'name': 'Demonoid'}
{'name': 'The Colbert Report ', 'enabled': True, 'patterns': [('the.colbert.report.%Y.%m.%d', 'Title')], 'path': None, 'feeds': 'feeds', 'type': 2, 'id': 14, 'history': {}}
I also got the dropdowns back on the feed list... sorta. The first time I loaded it with your debug plugin.py the torrent list worked fine. When I opened it again the torrents were at the top level of the tree (not expanded from the name of the feed) and one of the torrents could be expanded itself to reveal more torrents underneath it. When this happened the console gave this error:
Error: could not find feed #0
Next time I opened the preferences the feeds and torrent list worked fine.
Then I put the plugin.py from 0.1.3 back and had all the same problems as before (update thread freezes, cant see torrent list).
So.. it seems the new plugin.py mostly fixes my problems.

Well I fixed the problem above that was printing many many times.. somehow. I'm gunna try a clean install and see what I can figure out. Maybe my problems are to do with the svn version I am running ( won't let me use full allocation, and hence file priorities). I'll get back to you after I do some more testing.
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Re: FlexRSS plugin

Post by gazpachoking »

Not a bug, but it would be nice if it asked you where you wanted to save a torrent that you load directly from one of the rss feeds without a filter.

The plugin seems to be working well now otherwise. One time it loaded my torrents at the top level of the tree again, with the feed listed under them, but it did not cause any crashes, and when I closed the prefs screen and opened it again everything was back to normal. Thanks for all your work on this.