Where does one find these "eggs"?

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Where does one find these "eggs"?

Post by Jayness »

I have been told that in order to run Radarr and Sonarr, I need to first install the WebUI plugin on my Deluge. When I go to install the WebUI plugin, it asks me to select an egg. I have attached a screenshot for your mild amusement.

Having never really used python/linux/ubuntu before and so being a bit of a newbie when it comes to this side of things, I had no idea, i mean seriously wtf, but a little digging, a smattering of research and I think I kinda get what an egg is now.

Where for art thou egg?

Hours of google searches result in nothing. This lovely page has all sorts of interesting information about said plugins, yet zip about these little gifts from the ovary, nor where to find them. https://dev.deluge-torrent.org/wiki/Plugins#Download

Here's a copy and paste of the relevant bit:
Installing Plugin Eggs

Determine Python Version

Plugin eggs have the Python version encoded in the filename and will only load in Deluge if the Python versions match.

Verify Deluge Python version.

Download the plugin egg that matches the Deluge Python version from above, e.g.

Plugin-1.0-py2.6.egg is a Python 2.6 egg.
Plugin-1.0-py2.7.egg is a Python 2.7 egg.
At least I know how to check my Python version now but this page seems to me to be missing a critical component... WHERE does one find this little ovum so I can download the f#$*ing thing?

It's probably totally obvious, and I am missing something right in front of me. Either that or this is some elaborate trick to do my head in. It's working btw!

Your assistance in helping me understand will not only improve my general mental health but is also greatly appreciated.
Deluge_WebUI_2_0_3-2-201906121747-ubuntu18_04_1.png (119.87 KiB) Viewed 9299 times
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Re: Where does one find these "eggs"?

Post by mhertz »

Lol :) (EDIT: Your writing-style and not you, I mean)

Eggs, or, plugins in deluge, are found on third-party repositories of the developers choosing/hosting, so no central place. I can understand your confusion though :)

Anyway, the specific plugin you're referring too, is already included by default with deluge, so you just need to enable it, under deluge's preferences menu's plugins dialog.

I've never honestly used sonar/radar, but I found a quick step-by-step guide you maybe can use possible: https://forums.sonarr.tv/t/solved-linki ... ge/13364/2

Good luck :)
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Re: Where does one find these "eggs"?

Post by Jayness »

Ah ha! Ok - when you say:
Anyway, the specific plugin you're referring too, is already included by default with deluge, so you just need to enable it, under deluge's preferences menu's plugins dialog.
That makes perfect sense... However, if you look at my lovely little screenshot, you will see that when I am trying to enable the plugin it asks me for an egg! So it looks like this little plugin is not included in my version of Deluge for some reason. I have tried both Firefox and Safari. Any thoughts on how I might be able to enable it?
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Re: Where does one find these "eggs"?

Post by mhertz »

Sorry, I read over your post little to quick and wasen't paying enough attention at the screenshoot either stupidly :)

Deluge has a webui plugin, for which you can get deluge to start the webui for you with, whenever you're running the GTK-UI client and/or deluge daemon if running in thin-client mode. However, you can also just define to run the webui, e.g. at system startup or just on-demand, from your distro's init system e.g. systemd. So, since you are already in a browser and configuring deluge, then that means you're already into the webui so have enabled that, or run it manually, from systemd or terminal or whatever have you.

You cannot enable the webui plugin from the webui itself, as meaningless(i.e. trying to run/enable something already running/enabled). You can only do that in the GTK-UI interface, as meant for people not already having enabled the webui externally, like you have. I'm pretty sure that you don't need to think more about this step then, since you're already having the webui enabled, just done it from other means, so can ignore it.

I'm not using the webui myself, but i'm pretty sure I once read that it could not be enabled from the webui itself, which makes sence, though strange error that it asks for an egg, instead of just error'ing out with more descriptive message.
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Re: Where does one find these "eggs"?

Post by Jayness »

Ahh that makes perfect sense to me! I thought that to myself as I was doing all this "isnt this a WebUI that I am using to activate this WebUI?' But then I thought "Oh nooo, you are so stupid, obviously you dont understand anything. Get back in your box." And then the request for the egg threw me into another Inception dimension.

Thank you so much for your help!
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