Triangle on Connection Test

Specific support for Deluge on Microsoft Windows OS
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Triangle on Connection Test

Post by sscsr1 »

Hi, I replaced the HDD in my sisters computer and it works fine (win 10 Pro). She installed Deluge 2.1.1 and ran into problems connecting. I made a port forward in the router and now it will show connected to the site she is seeding to and is seen on canyouseeme. I am not sure it is actually seeding because I had to leave. However when I do a connection test in the settings in Deluge I get the triangle instead of a check mark. I have turned off the firewall (win defender) and allowed Deluge through. Weird this was, when I first did the port forward I got the check mark but it went away after a few minutes and it took a reinstall to get it to connect again. As far as I can tell everything is good except the triangle. Any ideas? Should I even be concerned? Thank you for your time. I will be gone for the next few hours but will check here late tonight when I get back so I won't be responding to reply's right away. Thanks again
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Re: Triangle on Connection Test

Post by mhertz »

If you did a port test through e.g. canyouseeme, as you stated, then sounds like you're good(well, your sister :) ). That port test in the preferences of gtkui, does a callback to the deluge website and checks if can see your port, and not related to torrenting itself, though little strange that fails, when canyouseeme not. During torrenting, if not seeing a "no incomming connections" in statusbar, then should be good, as is a message straight from libtorrent deluge forwards(well, lack of message rather, of incoming connections alert from libtorrent, which deluge monitors continously).

In older times, peerblock/blocklists could block the port test of preferences, because included the host of deluge webpage, but such not used much today I gather.

Sorry no constructive advice, and just some theory. Good luck.
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Re: Triangle on Connection Test

Post by sscsr1 »

Thanks for the reply. I thought it was weird that the test fails in the program too. That was why I posted. I was going to just ignore it and hope for the best unless someone here had the same happen to them and found a fix or reason. I will see if it has been seeding tomorrow when I go over there. Hopefully it has been seeding through the night.
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