Double click for open folder & Auto-sort torrents content

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Double click for open folder & Auto-sort torrents content

Post by amaroc1 »

1. Double click to open folder with content.
Pluses: quick access without open menu to open folder of downloaded content.
How it works now: When you click on Torrent Name, nothing happen after double click, just switch on torrrent.
How it might be: Open folder with content.

In advance menu (bottom) "Filename". If i click 2 times on folder or file it give me opportunity to rename file. We need ask self, how often we use this function? I think not often. Better replace this function to F2 (Rename), and change double click to Open folder.

Pluses: More needeble function with quick access.
Or give users chanse and opportunity to change it in Preference, OR better look Termius (ssh terminal for windows and other). When you first time run Termius, and choise some text in terminal, and then try to paste text by Cntrl+V it ask, how do you want use Termius, auto-copy with select text or copy it manualy, and how to paste text by clicking right mouse on terminal... its very nice and good example for realisation. Just try it.

2. Auto-category for torrents. Its too boring and too long sort torrents when you download it or after it. It might be much easier then now. What i mean?
Many scenarios is possible, but i see these:
First: After install, Deluge ask user, where you want Save Games. User select their folder. Then: where you want to save movies. User select folder. Etc. Then: Where you want save audio... etc...
So we can make rules wich user can "change" if it needed.
Firstable movies: in 80-90% it has 1.46GB size, and mpg\mp4\mkv and others extensions, so it`s very easy to give it "Movie" category by this parametrs lets say 1 file with extension mpg\mp4\mkv from 1GB to 40GB. Easy and user can adjust it. So when he add new torrent and it movie, user must see category and change it on first window screen without another clicks and change menu (how it works now to change directory of torrent).

Then we have games and programs. Here we have IMDB and regional DB with native language of user database with name + year of movies. Same thing for the game. We can parse all this data & update it sometimes for autosorting. I belive Name of game \ movies + Year its not too much in size. If it too much user can download it when Deluge ask it.
So i think idea is clear and all understand what i want and maybe another users wants too.


PS: Sory for bad english.
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Re: Double click for open folder & Auto-sort torrents content

Post by mhertz »

Good suggestions, though 2. is non-trivial, and probably better suited for a plugin. Also, LabelPlus by ratanak can do much of this by letting you enter custom rules/filters, like reg-ex'es and file-extensions etc and custom save/move dirs per label. Check it out if haven't already: viewtopic.php?t=42629 (If using magnets, check out last post in thread for help on fixing that)
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