[SOLVED] Cant connect to daemon to set up scheduler

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[SOLVED] Cant connect to daemon to set up scheduler

Post by xareth »

Ive been using Deluge on a Ubuntu server box for about 6 months now and I love it. I followed the instructions here and got a working setup that allowed adding torrents over the local network WebUI. However, setting up the scheduler has so far proven difficult. As far as I know it is not yet supported through the WebUI so I have installed deluge on both the server box and my laptop and followed the instructions here to try and get the GTKui to connect.

My authorisation file looks like this:

I have connected to the running daemon through the WebUI and ticked 'allow remote connections'. The WebUI is connected and working perfectly on When connecting from deluge locally I tried but just got a greyed out 'x'. From my laptop I tried connecting to and got a red dot. So no luck. By typing 'netstat -tulp' I can confirm that deluged is listening on port 58846.

Is there anything Im missing? Im obviously doing something wrong. I dont believe there are any firewalls in the way and no amount of googling or forum searching has come up with an answer for me. The only thing I can think of is the new user/user group called 'deluge' which was added in the instructions linked above. Could the fact that deluged is running under this user somehow prevent me from connecting?


Some quick specs:
Server box: Xubuntu 10.04 LTS 32bit running deluged and deluge (both v1.2.3-2)
Laptop: Win7 64bit running deluge v1.2.3
SSH is not required because its all on a trusted local network for now.
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Re: Cant connect to daemon to set up scheduler

Post by discmeister »

You have my sympathy. I'm struggling with the same thing.

Can anyone help with setting up a schedule on a headless server on a local network? Generally speaking it's only something that would need to be done once - but at the moment I can't find any way that works of accessing the scheduler plugin remotely...

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Re: Cant connect to daemon to set up scheduler

Post by discmeister »

I've now followed precisely the same method as you and come up with precisely the same problem. I'm currently connected to my server via VNC, and while the WebUI has no problems connecting to, trying to connect to from the local machine just gives me a red dot. Grr! Likewise trying to connect to from the client on my laptop gives me a red dot. Double-grr!

I did find somewhere that someone had a problem with his /etc/hosts file that meant Deluge wasn't listening at 58846, but I can confirm that's not the case here. My localhost is set up correctly, as far as I know, and netstat -tulp shows that 58846 is being listened.

This is crazy. I'm perfectly happy to use the WebUI for 99.9% of what I do with this software. But I need the GTK access to work for two minutes so I can set up the scheduler plugin on the daemon, and it just refuses to work.

Can anyone offer a shred of advice that may help us?

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Re: Cant connect to daemon to set up scheduler

Post by xareth »

OK, solved it.
The issue was, as I suspected, with the deluge user being created with the following command.

Code: Select all

sudo adduser --disabled-password --system --home /var/lib/deluge --gecos "SamRo Deluge server" --group deluge
This isnt the issue on its own. The issue was I followed the second set of instructions a little too literally.

In the second instructions I logged in as my user and run the daemon as shown in step 2. I now had two daemons running on the server, one under my user and one under deluge. Then by navigating to ~/.config/deluge/auth I was modifying the authorisation file of the daemon running under my user....not deluge.

What I should have done, and what I have done now, is to modify the auth file under /var/lib/deluge because its actually the authorisation file being used by the daemon I want to connect to. The location was specified in the adduser command above.

PS I have no idea how to label this thread as solved......any pointers?
Last edited by xareth on Sun Jul 11, 2010 1:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Cant connect to daemon to set up scheduler

Post by discmeister »


So the solution is to follow the havetheknowhow instructions to the letter, and then do something different than the second set of instructions?

Sorry, but could you give me a bit more to go on? Like some simple 'idiots' guide' instructions? I know about the two different locations of auth, y'see, but I still haven't managed to get my laptop client to 'see' the listening daemon on the home server...

Hope you can help! And well done for sorting out your set-up...

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Re: [SOLVED] Cant connect to daemon to set up scheduler

Post by xareth »

No worries
I followed the havetheknowhow instructions and for those who want a headless setup without the scheduler those instructions are perfect.
I then used the other instructions as a sort of guide. I was looking at server setup without SSH tunneling. Here is what I did.

1. Using the WebUI I ticked 'Allow remote connections' under Preferences/Daemon on the server. This is essentially steps 3, 4, 5 and 6 but not on the command line.

2. I edited the authentication file by typing

Code: Select all

sudo nano /var/lib/deluge/auth
and added one line to the authorisation file then saved it. That line was deluge:123456:10

3. I then rebooted the server

Code: Select all

 sudo reboot -h now
4. I opened deluge on my laptop and under Preferences/Interface I disabled classic mode.

5. I opened the connection manager and by using my server IP and the username and password defined in the authorisation file I was able to connect. I was also able to connect from the local machine by attaching a screen and using as the host.
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Re: [SOLVED] Cant connect to daemon to set up scheduler

Post by discmeister »


That's terrific; thanks so much for taking the time to explain it. I'll give it a go on a nice, fresh install of 9.10...

As a matter of interest, have you been able to configure the scheduler using this method?

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Re: [SOLVED] Cant connect to daemon to set up scheduler

Post by xareth »

Yes, I was able to remotely connect and set up the scheduler.

I have a feeling Ill be using this a lot more than I thought. By connecting to the daemon like this I should be able to click on 'open with deluge' straight from firefox. No more saving the torrent then opening in the webui.
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Re: [SOLVED] Cant connect to daemon to set up scheduler

Post by discmeister »

Sounds like we're both on the same train of thought!

I've just done the havetheknowhow install and have rebooted the home server.

Now for the tricky part.... Keep your fingers crossed!

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Re: [SOLVED] Cant connect to daemon to set up scheduler

Post by discmeister »

...and I have access!

xareth, thank you so much - not just for having the brains to sort this out, but for sharing it with me.

Now to get the hang of that scheduler!

Thanks again!

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