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Autoload loading before .torrent is completly written

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 4:33 pm
by Antis
I run Deluge on a server and exclusively use the WebUI for control. I've created an autoload directory that's shared though Samba and I've set Deluge to autoload torrents from it. That way I can just save torrents I want to download on the share, instead of first saving them locally and then load them through WebUI.

Unfortunately Deluge crashes about 50% of the times when autoloading. This is the error output from the console:

Code: Select all

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'libtorrent::invalid_encoding'
what(): invalid bencoding
I then have to restart Deluge. When I restart the torrents from the autoload directory is loaded perfectly.

What I think is happening is that Deluge tries to read the file before all of it is written properly on the share.