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[SOLVED] Cannot access systemd daemon on Arch Linux

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2024 10:07 pm
by babelfish
I am unable to access my Deluge server through the gtk "Thin Client" mode or through the deluge-console. Initially, I followed the guide here to set up a Deluge server with the systemd system service. I want the server to run even when I am logged out of my user account. Connecting in this way initially worked, but upon reboot, I was met with the error "Password does not match." This error is present when attempting to connect to the "localclient@" daemon. I have tried copying the localclient password from the "auth" file in "~/.config/deluge/auth" and "/srv/deluge/.config/deluge/auth." Neither allow me to access the daemon.

I am aware that the default deluge config location is supposed to be located in "/var/lib/deluge," but "/srv/deluge" is the location systemd created when I ran

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sudo systemctl enable --now deluged
Do I have to change this directory manually? My user is added to the "deluge" group as well. Overall, there's a lot of conflicting steps between the Arch Wiki guide and the Deluge docs so I'm not sure which to follow. Thanks in advance!

Re: [SOLVED] Cannot access systemd daemon on Arch Linux

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2024 4:44 am
by babelfish
It appears that the passwords that needed to match were the ones located in each auth file. The auth file in ~/.config/deluge/ was generated by deluge-gtk, and the one in /srv/deluge/.config/deluge/ was generated by the systemd service. Once the systemd auth password was changed to the same as the deluge-gtk one, the daemon connected. This did not work vice versa. I also added my user to the "deluge" group with

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sudo usermod -aG deluge babelfish
I logged back in to make this change. Initially, the deluge-gtk showed "ERROR" where my ssd's storage was normally outputted, but when I added a torrent, it started downloading and showed the correct space. This error returned when I tried to change the download directory from "/srv/deluge/.config/deluge/Downloads." I'm not sure if there's a way to change this without error, but since everything else is working, I'll leave it be. I was able to change the directory that completed files are moved to. If anyone knows what the reason for that might be please feel free to reach out.