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Deluge randomly stops downloading

Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2013 8:40 pm
by jmxd

Lately i've been having some problems with Deluge randomly failing to complete downloading my torrents for no (apparent) reason. It will usually stop downloading between 80 and 100 percent.

It does not show any error messages, it can still find and connect to peers, i have more than enough disk space available and it's not a problem with the tracker (it happens on multiple A+ trackers).

I've tried everything, pausing and resuming, restarting Deluge, rebooting my router, using a fixed port instead of a random one etc. etc.

Sometimes it will continue downloading randomly for a moment then stopping again after a few seconds.

My max number of connections is set to 200 but it's not even close to that number when this happens, also i have a high quality router that should not have any problems with this kind of traffic.

Anyone else experiencing these issues?

Re: Deluge randomly stops downloading

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2013 9:52 am
by JOSfiwER234
jmxd wrote:Anyone else experiencing these issues?
Yes. Can't really do anything about it. Just have to wait till it starts up again unfortunately.

I also have this one issue with a particular tracker: There will be dozens of seeds, and I can only connect to 1 or 2. But I can't download anything. I can only seed. I'll have to restart Deluge to be able to connect to the seeds again. I'll be able to download data for about 5-10 minutes, then it's gone again and I have to restart again to connect. When I just pause, then start the torrent, I still can't connect. Really sucks. And I don't know if it's the tracker or Deluge. But I never had that problem with utorrent on the tracker in question.

Edit: I just switched one of the torrents in question over to utorrent 1.6.1, and it connected immediately after checking and finished downloading at max speeds; connecting to many seeds. I absolutely have no idea why Deluge does not work with this tracker.

Edit 2: Just switched over to Qbittorrent. No more problems. You should do the same OP.