Seed Ratio and Scripts

General support for problems installing or using Deluge
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Seed Ratio and Scripts

Post by eondesigns »

Apologies for the simple nature of this question - completely new to both Linux and Deluge

I have set up Deluge running on my Raspberry Pi - so cool :-)

Anyway I have it set up so that it moves the completed download to another folder - however, I want to make a script to simply copy this file to another location. I realise that If I move the file then it will no longer seed - thus I want to copy it so that it still seeds correctly. Being completely new to linux and all the scripting etc - how do I do this? I know that I need to make a script - but how? what should it read? does it need to be save to a specific place? Does it need a specific name and prefix?

Also - Silly question number 2

Queue settings? Share Ratio, Seed Time Ratio, Seed Time (m), Stop seeding when share ration reaches? Can someone explain these in very, very simple terms. It would be good to know how do you set up the smallest seed time and how to set up the longest seed time - at the moment these figures are all just random so I don't know where to start. For example if I wanted my files to seed for 30 minutes and then stop how would you do that?


Sorry for being such a new boy - FYI I have searched the forum, but I need really really simple answers - most of the forum stuff requires a level of prior knowledge that I just don't have.
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