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Move completed and flexget broken

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2011 11:09 am
by nickeh
I've use flexget and deluge to download what i want from an rss feed. I've set it up so that flexget ads torrents with "move completed" to sort each downloaded file to it's correct place without having to acutally select it for each download.

It has been working great untill recently when deluge has started to give errors on all files added by flexget. The error occurs immideatly as the torrent is added so it doesn't start the download at all. The error meassage given by the UI is something like "No such file or directory: file.avi".

I run deluge as a daemon with its own user, same user that runs flexget and the user have write permissions to all dir and subdirs in the download folder.

I have done some testing and the problem only occurs when torrents ar added with movedone allready set. If i add a torrent and set movedone in the UI the problem does not occur.
If i download the files directly to the dir they would end up in there is no problem either.

Anyone else having theese problems?

Re: Move completed and flexget broken

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2011 11:51 am
by nickeh
I've done some digging:

"Ã…tkomst nekas" - access denied
"Filen eller katalogen finns inte" - The file or directory does not exist

I wonder if some one could look at this, for me it seems like flexget never sends the dir path just the file name? I don't know if this should appear in the logs or not but it seems strange that the directory is never logged, just the file name.

Re: Move completed and flexget broken

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2011 10:31 pm
by Cas
You should ask on the Flexget website.

Re: Move completed and flexget broken

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2011 2:39 am
by nickeh
Yes I've asked there too. But they said it could be a deluge bug so therefore i went herer. I dont know how the logging in deluge works but i find it strange that the path doesn't show up somewhere in the log. Coul some one confirm that the path should or shouldn't be in the log when adding a torrent withe the Move_done option set?

Re: Move completed and flexget broken

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2011 12:18 am
by Cas
I am not sure if there is any debug output specifically for move_done, it could be added manually though by editing the code if you feel brave :)

Did you ask gazpachoking about this, was the Flexget Deluge plugin ruled out?

Are you able to repeat the issue without using Flexget?

Re: Move completed and flexget broken

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2011 1:07 am
by nickeh
The problem was with flex get after all... I had no path: set in config.yml, so deluge got confused when it got an empty field and tried to write to just the file name with no path in front of it.
When i got hold of gazpachoking he could tell it wasn't deluge that was the problem, and i filed a bug on their bugtracker so hopefuly they will fix it so that leaving the download path out of the config won't brake things.

So, for now the fix is to set path: to wherever one wants to have unfinished downloads.