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Remove Mac as supported paltform

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2010 7:39 pm
by Henrik
I have tried the guide on the forum (even if it's quite outdated)
I have tried port install deluge
I have tried running deluge in wine on mac, It could install but when you start it, I get a C++ error. and really did not want to find out what the error was, after the figth I had trying to get it to work native.

So basic. Just remove the part where you says it runs on Mac.
And just say that it's open source and you are looking for people to get it to work on mac.

And when you have a native app, or just a simple guide that WORKS, then you can say that it works on Mac.
Right now it's not even close

Re: Remove Mac as supported paltform

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 7:14 pm
by Henrik
Do any admins read the forums?
The post has been viewed 115 times, but no coments, and Mac is still one of the supported platforms, if you see the front page

Re: Remove Mac as supported paltform

Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 2:00 am
by tubedogg
I use the stickied guide in this forum and it worked fine for me on Mac. Just because it didn't work for you doesn't mean it doesn't work at all. Nor are they likely to remove a supported platform listing because one guy in the forum said it didn't work for him.

Re: Remove Mac as supported paltform

Posted: Sat Sep 25, 2010 7:12 pm
by Sammi
tubedogg wrote:I use the stickied guide in this forum and it worked fine for me on Mac. Just because it didn't work for you doesn't mean it doesn't work at all. Nor are they likely to remove a supported platform listing because one guy in the forum said it didn't work for him.
Dude come on, stop stalling. You know that almost nobody can get Deluge to work on Mac.

The fact that it is "theoretically possible" to get Deluge to work on Mac, absolutely does not mean that Deluge is "supported" on Mac.

There has never been any easy-to-follow-guide or easy-to-install-package of Deluge for Mac. So stop saying that Deluge is supported on Mac; cause it's not.

PS: I've been lurking this forum for over a year, and just registered a user to support this point!
PPS: Sincerely, a hungry-for-Deluge Mac user.

Re: Remove Mac as supported paltform

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2010 1:39 am
by macdelugeplease
I've got to agree with the sentiments in this thread. Mac is not a "supported" platform. Supported usually equals native app. When there's a dmg I can download and use to install, then you can say Mac is supported. When there is a package you can compile from source, why don't you just say "computers are supported" because you can run that theoretically on anything above a TI-89 calculator. I've compiled it from source once, it was a big bitch, took about two hours to do and only with the help of someone on IRC. It didn't work fully and then right after that my private trackers blacklisted that version due to an upgrade. No way I was doing that again. I love Deluge and would donate money to get a true Deluge port. One guy has made some considerable progress but no one has followed-up on that unfortunately. But Deluge's "support" of Mac is laughable and embarrassing.

Re: Remove Mac as supported paltform

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2010 10:41 pm
by haragog
I second the sentiment of this thread!

Deluge IS THE BEST torrent app by far. It only has a hole, a big one, no support for mac! And that is a shame, because it truly is a great piece of software. (As the last guy posted, I only registered to post here, and I never register to anything)

Please, develop a native mac app (a worthy version, or none at all) or don't keep or hopes up by coming here every month to see if there's any development (don't think that's good publicity, 'cose it definitely isn't) and always seeing the MAC? YES on your site.

Deluge is just one of those apps that there are a lot of alternatives, but none compare. Make it universal!

Re: Remove Mac as supported paltform

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2010 10:38 pm
by comedian
To extend the arguments here, the only *supported* platform is Windows then.

The code base for linux is a source-only release. All the "installers" on the download page are from external groups who have re-packaged the source for their respective native platform(s).

Re: Remove Mac as supported paltform

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 8:42 am
by Sammi
comedian wrote:To extend the arguments here, the only *supported* platform is Windows then.

The code base for linux is a source-only release. All the "installers" on the download page are from external groups who have re-packaged the source for their respective native platform(s).
I think we need to define what we mean by the word "supported" in this tread.

What I mean to say, is that there are external groups who provide Deluge packages for their own Linux distributions. Ergo they provide support for Linux.

There is no one who provides Deluge packages or even an easy to follow install guide for Mac. Ergo there is no Deluge support for Mac.

Re: Remove Mac as supported paltform

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 7:50 pm
by comedian
Sammi wrote:
Ergo there is no Deluge support for Mac.
Not trying to pick on you Sammi, but the complaints here to remove Mac as a supported paltform(sic) essentially state that Mac as a supported platform should be removed because compiling Deluge on OSX is not easy.

That, frankly, is bullshit.

Deluge is a source-only distribution (with Windows being excepted). Third parties pre-compiling linux packages for the faint of heart does NOT make any Linux platform "supported". It only makes installing it on that particular flavor easier for people who don't know what they're doing. And the third-parties providing those packages are not necessarily part of the Deluge development team. Linux is a supported platform, but your particular flavor may not be supported by the Deluge development team. In fact, if you have a question about compiling Deluge on Linux, or with Deluge not working with "your" Linux, you'll probably be directed to the respective package developers, rather than answered by a Deluge Dev.

Does that mean Linux (or that flavor of Linux) is not supported? Nope. It just means the Devs don't spoon-feed or hand hold. Pretty much the case everywhere in the open-source world. Consider yourself lucky that someone who knows what they're doing re-packaged the Deluge source to make your life easier. But be clear, if you can't Deluge running on your flavor of Linux, THAT IS NOT THE DELUGE DEVELOPER'S PROBLEM.

The product can be successfully compiled and run on OSX, it's just not easy. Difficult to compile does not equate to unsupported. Supported means it's been tested and works. This is the case with OSX.

Is it hard to make work on OSX? Yup.

Does it work on OSX? Absolutely. I've successfully installed it on Leopard 10.5.6-10.5.8 and Snow Leopard 10.6.2-10.6.4 on a variety of platforms, Mac-mini; MacBook, MacBook Pro, Hackint0sh; and even running in a VM under Windows. And, as long as I've followed the instructions, I've never had a problem getting it to run that wasn't addressed somewhere on the forums.

Just because it's not easy or it doesn't work for you doesn't mean it doesn't work, or isn't supported.

It just means it's open-source.

And, as I've often seen in many many forum posts in many other forums in the open source world; If you don't like it, teach yourself how to make it work, and contribute the solution back to the community.

Otherwise, find a different product.

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 10:44 pm
by macdelugeplease
Releasing a product not installable by 95%+ of a platform's users does not constitute "support." It's closer to "works experimentally...sometimes...for some users...and it's not in your native window manager."