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[Request] Labels with sub labels + some other ideas

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 8:50 am
by theLured
I would like to use sub-labels to keep things categorized. At the moment I have to give each label something like

I would like to be able to do this

Code: Select all

This way I could click on the arrow and collapse/expand the list of sub-labels.
I think it would be good to be able to add to iso as this way torrent's from a tracker could go directly to iso, then it would be much easier to move them to their sub categories.

A quick way to set up the sub labels could be by using the naming pattern iso/ubuntu
Maybe allow dragging and dropping the labels to organize them?

I don't know if anyone would use sub-sub-labels, but I can see uses for them e.g. iso/linux/ubuntu

Some side notes
Could you allow upper case to labels? I like to see upper case and it just seems a bit strange to not allow it.

I would also like to rename a label.
Showing the label options when you add a new label could be good. This way to rename a label you would just have to go into it's options and change the name there, using the same form(not sure it would work though).

Auto detect if the label is a directory and assign the location to it(will need uppercase).
iso/ubuntu would then make the download directory to /home/me/deluge/complete/iso/ubuntu. /home/me/deluge/complete is my default location to move downloads into.

Forgot to say. Sub labels should use the same preferences as their root.

Re: Labels with sub labels + some other ideas

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 7:49 pm
I completely second all of these points. I have *just now* set labels like:


the list goes on.

Managing all of my labels is becoming a pain. I can't even rename any of them.
Whats' even more painstaking is that I have to manually set the sub-settings for each and every sub-label. I'd really love parent-settings inheritance, that I can then override on a per-sub-label basis.

I'd like to see all of these features eventually, if not soon...
(One day I'll have the skill to program them myself... I'll contribute as soon as I can...until then, I can only hope)

Thanx Deluge Devs

Re: [Request] Labels with sub labels + some other ideas

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2012 1:25 am
by MasterCATZ

I also like sorting my ISO's

however I am glad the torrents can be grouped together by trackers :P
helps manage ratio's easy