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Non classic mode broken in Windows (white space issue)?

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 1:29 pm
by Nil Einne

I was originally running Deluge in FreeBSD moved it to Windows a while ago. I can't remember whether it was ever working perfectly (stopped using it for a while) but in any case, recently found it doesn't quite work properly. Specifically, since I'm using non-classic mode i.e. with the daemon and GUI seperate (partly a legacy of headless FreeBSD) if you start Deluge and tell it to start the local daemon, it doesn't work. Well it starts a daemon but you can't seem to connect to it. If you start the daemon manually it works fine. I thought at first it was because I wasn't using the standard port.

Looking closely however, I realised this wasn't the case. Instead it seems that Deluged is using the wrong directory (or perhaps it's Deluge, I'm not sure). It's using C:\Documents instead of C:\Documents and Settings. So it seems it's a white space issue. I thought at first this was a config issue maybe I screwed up when moving from FreeBSD to Windows (I did have problems), but I deleted my config directory and it recreates it afresh. Then I switch off classic mode, restart and same problem (default port of course). Note that I delete the C:\Documents directory so I'm sure it's created by Deluge afresh.

Running in classic mode works fine. And as I mentioned, if you start the daemon manually, it also works fine.

I've tried putting the configuration directory in the core.conf and gtkui.conf "config_location": "C:\\Documents and Settings\\%username%\\Application Data\\deluge", but it doesn't help any.

This problem I presume only occurs on Windows XP and 2k since Vista and 7 use Users without a whitespace (well unless you specify a different location or your username has whitespaces).

Is there something special I have to do (short of moving the Documents and Settings directory to be without a whitespace)? Or is this a bug?
