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Re: Bind to Interface or IP

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2010 6:41 pm
by andar
Sian wrote:Any news on binding the bittorrent traffic to one interface (I assume the fix posted above relates only to the webserver)? I'd really like to see this feature in the client, ATM only Vuze and rtorrent do support binding the torrent traffic to one distinct interface.

This is available in 1.2

Re: Bind to Interface or IP

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2010 8:47 pm
by Sian
andar wrote:
Sian wrote:Any news on binding the bittorrent traffic to one interface (I assume the fix posted above relates only to the webserver)? I'd really like to see this feature in the client, ATM only Vuze and rtorrent do support binding the torrent traffic to one distinct interface.

This is available in 1.2
Ok, didn't know that. Will try the client then asap. One additional thing, though. What happens if said interface goes down, does the traffic stop or does Deluge use another as fallback? Or is the behaviour configurable (like the Vuze option: "Enforce IP bindings even when interfaces are not available, prevents any connections if none of the specified interfaces are available")?

Thanks a lot for the fast answer!

Re: Bind to Interface or IP

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2014 2:14 am
by sidharrell
It appears that if the interface that you tell deluged to bind to is down, that it uses the working interface instead. I would like it to not do so, as I set up a VPN for my torrent traffic and would rather have no torrent traffic than torrent traffic that is not on my VPN.
deluged: 1.3.6

Re: Bind to Interface or IP

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2014 5:22 am
by jonny_noog
Just registered here to say that I too would love to see this feature in Deluge. I can see that one is already able to bind to an IP address with Deluge on OS X (which is what I am using). But the two things that would make this feature perfect in Deluge would be:
  • Being able to bind to an interface name (e.g. "eth0", "ppp0" etc.) and have Deluge take care of binding to whatever the relevant IP address is at the time
    Having the option to configure Deluge to only use the specified interface and not fall back to another available interface if the specified interface is down (I see this was logged as a feature request some time ago)
I tried out Vuze for the reason that it has the above functionality. But it's, you know, Vuze. So I just couldn't handle it, had to uninstall it. Have found that so far Deluge gets the closest to what I'm looking for without the bloat and pushing "bonus" things on you during install.

The Transmission guys don't sound too interested in implementing this functionality in their standard build, was just wondering what the Deluge Team thinks about implementing the above in Deluge?

Re: Bind to Interface or IP

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2014 1:31 am
by Stephen304
Has there been any progress on this? I torrent over vpn and I need to ensure traffic doesn't leak outside of the vpn if the vpn gets disconnected.