Hello shinger,
Deluge finds the plugins on the official website, but none are activated.
First test. I add the files one by one and in reverse order, the first one is put in download mode, the rest in checking 0% mode, I realize that I did not disable the option to pre-allocate space, so I cancel and completely delete the downloads, in the temporary directory was the first file but not the second and third.
I add the files again, they all stay in checking 0% mode for a long time without starting.
In the log tracker.opentrackr.org:1337 sometimes gives Time Out error, sometimes Unreachable.
I disable the option of preallocate space. I close Deluge and start it again.
Second test. I add the files again. The first two in download, the third in queue due to the limit of two downloads configured. Close Deluge
Third test. I activate again the space preallocation, I add again the files, the three remain in checking 0% mode, after a while the first one starts to download, the rest remains in checking 0%.
So probably yes, there might be a problem if the space pre-allocation option is enabled.
New logs: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-zJD4T ... sp=sharing
New files remain in checking state.
Re: New files remain in checking state.
Hello alfema,
Interresting. What filesystem are you using if i may ask? And what type of disk(hdd/ssd) are you using? Maybe not very high disk IO, while the first download is busy writing to it?
Also why do you want to use preallocate disk option? Preallocate option is/was handy if you ask me if you would have a small disk that constantly is being used by other applications fighting for space. So if you use preallocate the torrent is telling the OS, this is my space nobody can touch it. So that way the download can just go ahead without being bothered that suddenly there is no more disk space to download to.
If you indeed have a very small disk and other applications are also writing to it and your internet download speed is very slow then would make definitly sense. Else i see no reason for it to use it. Or you maybe have a usecase i am unaware of.
Interresting. What filesystem are you using if i may ask? And what type of disk(hdd/ssd) are you using? Maybe not very high disk IO, while the first download is busy writing to it?
Also why do you want to use preallocate disk option? Preallocate option is/was handy if you ask me if you would have a small disk that constantly is being used by other applications fighting for space. So if you use preallocate the torrent is telling the OS, this is my space nobody can touch it. So that way the download can just go ahead without being bothered that suddenly there is no more disk space to download to.
If you indeed have a very small disk and other applications are also writing to it and your internet download speed is very slow then would make definitly sense. Else i see no reason for it to use it. Or you maybe have a usecase i am unaware of.
Server: Rock 5B 8 Cores (ARM), 16 GB RAM, 2 TB 970 Evo +
OS: Linux Ubuntu 24.04 LTS
Deluge: v2.1.2
Plugins: Blocklist, LabelPlus, ItConfig, MyScheduler, Stats, Notifications, YaRSS2
Server: Rock 5B 8 Cores (ARM), 16 GB RAM, 2 TB 970 Evo +
OS: Linux Ubuntu 24.04 LTS
Deluge: v2.1.2
Plugins: Blocklist, LabelPlus, ItConfig, MyScheduler, Stats, Notifications, YaRSS2
Re: New files remain in checking state.
Hello shinger,
The file system is ext4 NTFS-3 on a 2 TiB partition reserved exclusively for downloads, the hard drive is a 4 TiB Toshiba N300 intended for NAS.
The option to use pre-allocation of space is simply out of habit, to reserve the necessary space, although there is usually space left over, right now I have it disabled to check how it works.
I'm really sorry, I don't know what I was thinking, that disk is partitioned with 2 TiB for Linux in ext4 and another 2 TiB for Windows in NTFS and this is where the downloads are, I share files between both OS.
This must be the problem, the NTFS-3g (1) file system because if I change the download directory to the ext4 partition the problem does not occur.
(1) ntfs-3g 2021.8.22 integrated FUSE 28
The file system is ext4 NTFS-3 on a 2 TiB partition reserved exclusively for downloads, the hard drive is a 4 TiB Toshiba N300 intended for NAS.
The option to use pre-allocation of space is simply out of habit, to reserve the necessary space, although there is usually space left over, right now I have it disabled to check how it works.
I'm really sorry, I don't know what I was thinking, that disk is partitioned with 2 TiB for Linux in ext4 and another 2 TiB for Windows in NTFS and this is where the downloads are, I share files between both OS.
This must be the problem, the NTFS-3g (1) file system because if I change the download directory to the ext4 partition the problem does not occur.
(1) ntfs-3g 2021.8.22 integrated FUSE 28
Last edited by alfema on Sun Jan 26, 2025 6:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: New files remain in checking state.
Hi alfema,
Nice. Good to hear we are making progress. Then indeed keep it disabled to see how things will evolve.
Just some things that might be the issue.
- Firmware of the disk
- Firmware/BIOS update for your system
- Maybe bug in the Linux kernel (ext4) it self, as Linux Mint uses i believe similar kernel as Ubuntu if i am not mistaken, with also a older version of ext4.
- Or even a bug with that option within Deluge it self.
- Or maybe even libtorrent or Python issue? I see that you are using python 3.10. Was this always an issue or just recently occurred?
Nice. Good to hear we are making progress. Then indeed keep it disabled to see how things will evolve.
Just some things that might be the issue.
- Firmware of the disk
- Firmware/BIOS update for your system
- Maybe bug in the Linux kernel (ext4) it self, as Linux Mint uses i believe similar kernel as Ubuntu if i am not mistaken, with also a older version of ext4.
- Or even a bug with that option within Deluge it self.
- Or maybe even libtorrent or Python issue? I see that you are using python 3.10. Was this always an issue or just recently occurred?
Server: Rock 5B 8 Cores (ARM), 16 GB RAM, 2 TB 970 Evo +
OS: Linux Ubuntu 24.04 LTS
Deluge: v2.1.2
Plugins: Blocklist, LabelPlus, ItConfig, MyScheduler, Stats, Notifications, YaRSS2
Server: Rock 5B 8 Cores (ARM), 16 GB RAM, 2 TB 970 Evo +
OS: Linux Ubuntu 24.04 LTS
Deluge: v2.1.2
Plugins: Blocklist, LabelPlus, ItConfig, MyScheduler, Stats, Notifications, YaRSS2
Re: New files remain in checking state.
Hello shinger,
Sorry again, as I added in my previous answer, the problem is in the ntfs-3g system, which is where the download files reside, it does not happen if the file system is ext4.
Another test. Uninstalled Deluge 2.1.1, disabled the PPA from which deluge-team-stable is installed (deb [signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/deluge-team-stable-jammy.gpg] https://ppa.launchpadcontent.net/deluge ... ble/ubuntu jammy main), installed the version 2.0.3 from the official repositories.
The behavior is the same, if the option is activated the first one is put into downloading, the others in checking 0%, with it deactivated they all are put into downloading.
- Firmware of the disk: FJ1M
- Firmware/BIOS update for your system: 1.B2 from ¿2022-08-16?
- Maybe bug in the Linux kernel (ext4) it self, as Linux Mint uses i believe similar kernel as Ubuntu if i am not mistaken, with also a older version of ext4.
I don't know, as you can see the kernel is 6.8.0-51, the latest version available for Mint 21.3, based on Ubuntu 22.04 jammy.
- Or maybe even libtorrent or Python issue? I see that you are using python 3.10. Was this always an issue or just recently occurred?
My libtorrent version is the libtorrent-rasterbar (2.0.5-5) unstable; urgency=medium
I don't remember when I noticed the problem, but I think it's recent, I don't usually notice, the torrents are automatically added when I click on the link.
The latest version (3.10.12-1) of python3 is from the 21st of this month.
Sorry again, as I added in my previous answer, the problem is in the ntfs-3g system, which is where the download files reside, it does not happen if the file system is ext4.
Another test. Uninstalled Deluge 2.1.1, disabled the PPA from which deluge-team-stable is installed (deb [signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/deluge-team-stable-jammy.gpg] https://ppa.launchpadcontent.net/deluge ... ble/ubuntu jammy main), installed the version 2.0.3 from the official repositories.
The behavior is the same, if the option is activated the first one is put into downloading, the others in checking 0%, with it deactivated they all are put into downloading.
- Firmware of the disk: FJ1M
- Firmware/BIOS update for your system: 1.B2 from ¿2022-08-16?
- Maybe bug in the Linux kernel (ext4) it self, as Linux Mint uses i believe similar kernel as Ubuntu if i am not mistaken, with also a older version of ext4.
I don't know, as you can see the kernel is 6.8.0-51, the latest version available for Mint 21.3, based on Ubuntu 22.04 jammy.
- Or maybe even libtorrent or Python issue? I see that you are using python 3.10. Was this always an issue or just recently occurred?
My libtorrent version is the libtorrent-rasterbar (2.0.5-5) unstable; urgency=medium
I don't remember when I noticed the problem, but I think it's recent, I don't usually notice, the torrents are automatically added when I click on the link.
The latest version (3.10.12-1) of python3 is from the 21st of this month.
Re: New files remain in checking state.
Hi alfema,
NTFS, oke, that is a different road now we are going in. As far as i know is NTFS is not open source (exfat has been open source if i am not mistaken).
Then we can wrap this topic up i guess? Just dont use preallocate disk option and your problem is solved. Or dont use NTFS disk/partition
Windows = bad. Everything that Microsoft creates = garbage..
Sorry i had to vent my trauma with the years i worked with Microsoft software.
NTFS, oke, that is a different road now we are going in. As far as i know is NTFS is not open source (exfat has been open source if i am not mistaken).
Then we can wrap this topic up i guess? Just dont use preallocate disk option and your problem is solved. Or dont use NTFS disk/partition

Windows = bad. Everything that Microsoft creates = garbage..
Sorry i had to vent my trauma with the years i worked with Microsoft software.

Server: Rock 5B 8 Cores (ARM), 16 GB RAM, 2 TB 970 Evo +
OS: Linux Ubuntu 24.04 LTS
Deluge: v2.1.2
Plugins: Blocklist, LabelPlus, ItConfig, MyScheduler, Stats, Notifications, YaRSS2
Server: Rock 5B 8 Cores (ARM), 16 GB RAM, 2 TB 970 Evo +
OS: Linux Ubuntu 24.04 LTS
Deluge: v2.1.2
Plugins: Blocklist, LabelPlus, ItConfig, MyScheduler, Stats, Notifications, YaRSS2
Re: New files remain in checking state.
No problem, glad we have figured it out. Something to keep in mind in future issues even if it is not Deluge related.
Server: Rock 5B 8 Cores (ARM), 16 GB RAM, 2 TB 970 Evo +
OS: Linux Ubuntu 24.04 LTS
Deluge: v2.1.2
Plugins: Blocklist, LabelPlus, ItConfig, MyScheduler, Stats, Notifications, YaRSS2
Server: Rock 5B 8 Cores (ARM), 16 GB RAM, 2 TB 970 Evo +
OS: Linux Ubuntu 24.04 LTS
Deluge: v2.1.2
Plugins: Blocklist, LabelPlus, ItConfig, MyScheduler, Stats, Notifications, YaRSS2