Can not stop daemon from Web UI

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Can not stop daemon from Web UI

Post by aedfnis »

when I click "Stop Daemon" from web ui, it show an error occurred, but no error found in web ui log or deluged log.

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Re: Can not stop daemon from Web UI

Post by pirosa »

I have submitted a pull request [WebUI]Fix Connection Manager stop daemon, return 5 elem from get_host_info() that seems to have daemon starting/stopping successfully from the WebUI for me. I don't know if the proposed changes might break the GTK version, however, as I have never tried it.
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Re: Can not stop daemon from Web UI

Post by mhertz »

Thanks alot buddy, also for the other PR you submitted, much appreciated :) I'll check later today if it makes troubles to rest UIs and post back if does.

Edit: Not a dev myself btw, just an appreciative user, just to make sure above not misconstrued to mean something else.
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Re: Can not stop daemon from Web UI

Post by mhertz »

I couldn't see any interference with the other UIs and could manipulate hosts and shutdown daemons fine, good job! :)

deluge.ui.hostlist.get_host_info() is also only called by the webUI wrapper deluge/ui/web/, for this, I believe.

Initially that deluge.ui.hostlist component was added with the get_host_info including passwords, but following commit changed it, plus the comments, so seems intended, though as said, nothing else uses it, I believe - could be instead changed in the webUI wrapper's _get_host() to isolate, but have no idea what's best or not, so please don't take this as anything else but smalltalk, as i'm not qualified to talk on that :)

Thanks again.
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