Tracker timeout

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Tracker timeout

Post by pablo450 »


I've recently changed my OS. Reinstalled Deluge and reimported my config.
The thing is, when connected to OpenVPN I have a lot of torrent errors due to tracker timeout ("Tracker Status: Error: Connection timed out").

I don't have this error (at least not on a lot of torrents) when not connected to ovpn, and I have this error only on certain trackers.
I tried a lot of things, checked the trackers URL, maybe it was ports, maybe http or https, no luck there is no logic or pattern behind that. I tried to tinker with system and ovpn DNS settings but it seems that is not the problem.

I tried these trackers/torrents on Transmission and it works :(

Now, I'd like to raise the timeout period. From what I've understood, it's set with "tracker_receive_timeout". I've raised it to 30 and then 60 seconds with ltconfig but it does not seem to change anything. Reannouncing to problematic trackers ends up with timeout in less than 20s.

What should I try ? Maybe a config file somewhere I could modify ? Maybe it's not the correct parameter ? Or maybe you have another idea ?
I've of course tried restarting/rebooting everything it doesn't change anything.

Thank you :D
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Re: Tracker timeout

Post by pablo450 »

I just removed and purged Deluge. Made sure to remove all conf files.
Same problem, I time out in 10 seconds after reinstalling and resetting ltConfig

I'm on Ubuntu 20.10
Deluge 2.0.3
ltConfig 2.0
Python 3.8

Do you maybe have an idea how I could "bypass" ltConfig ? Setting these parms by myself in libtorrent conf files or via a python script ?
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Re: Tracker timeout

Post by shamael »

Facing the same issue for a particular tracker, I select 2 settings in the ltconfig plugin tht may help. I've not tested yet.

tracker_completion_timout (default 30sec)
tracket_receive_timeout (default 10sec)

60/30 is a test I should make nearly soon
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Re: Tracker timeout

Post by mhertz »

Yes, you can hardcode libtorrent options in the deluge python code, but unless it's ltconfig doing some disturbance, which I didn't got the assumption off from your post, and also unlikely, then no reason to bypass ltconfig for that imho.

I remember I previously have used

Code: Select all

"tracker_backoff": 22
As I wanted to mimick rtorrent behavior, which retries failed announces in 5 sec intervals a few times in row - the setting I posted should do the same roughly, just uses a formula so it gets longer and longer in between tries further down the line, but will though continue I believe, which possible is annoying for e.g public torrents with lots dead trackers included.
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Re: Tracker timeout

Post by QWIKAG »

See attached.
The Marked (Red) setting was the reason for my troubles.
I was getting intermittent Connection Timed Out on various torrents, especially the torrents that were old.
I thought I had fixed it by downloading fresh torrent files and starting them again, and forcing check, but other torrents would then become troublesome.
Reset a specific Torrents Trackers and another would show up.
Also I could still download and torrents would also seed, but it was intermittent, and at least 1/2 would be in error state.
It seemed like my Proxy was failing, It did not help that my Provider NordVPN kept disabling their Socksv5 Proxy Servers. So the assumption was it was them for a long time.
They also did not have clear documentation about the correct setup.
Well it is now. I think they have sorted it.
I could not find a solution for these connection time outs, and I have been searching for well over a year.

The Setting that should have been:
In Proxy, Proxy Trackers = False

Of course there could be many other reason for it. from your proxy to the port settings. But the intermittent nature of it points to my fix here.
Damn this is a complex topic.
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Re: Tracker timeout

Post by Pear »

I have had the exact same issue but it only started about a week ago.

I have had all the settings in proxy enabled for as long as I remember.

However it now seems Deluge refuses to work with my Socks 5 auth proxy unless i disable "proxy trackers"

Can someone please explain what each option below does and if its a major issue that I have disabled proxy trackers now?
  • Proxy Hostname
    Proxy Peers
    Proxy Trackers
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Re: Tracker timeout

Post by mhertz »

Proxy hostname runs dns lookups through proxy also. Proxy peers, communicates with peers in/out through proxy, and proxy trackers, announces through proxy to trackers.

Its hard to say, because they could harvest your ip from the tracker, and send you dmca letter through isp, but if they want to actually download from you first, then they couldn't. In older times, it was enough with tracker harvests often, tests in wild revealed, but then trackers/sites like tpb etc began to input arbitrary IPs Into ip list, to mitigate somewhat that practise, but to be fully sure then youed need all proxy options ticked, and if deluge1 need ltconfig and force-proxy/anonymous mode - try change libtorrent version if possible, if having issues.
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