What answer to the above question is named after a person?

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What answer to the above question is named after a person?

Post by andwan0 »

What answer to the above question is named after a person?

This CAPTCHA I don't understand.
I exceeded the maximum allowed number of login attempts (on my other computer) but I am sure I remember my password now and I don't want to change it.

How do we answer the CAPTCHA?
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Re: What answer to the above question is named after a person?

Post by mhertz »

Lol, if the issue I had a while ago, is the same you're having now i.e no above question other than username/password, then it's not fixed yet unfortunetly, even though I did PM Cas to report it.

If same issue, then go to registration page temporarilly(instead of current "you entered wrong password to many times" CAPTCHA page), in other tab/window, and find there the question to answer, which is missing on other page(tab/window).

If not that issue I explained above, then think a little harder on the answer, as not that difficult either, unless not knowing anything about such, or how to put it. I mean, think of the different answers that usually would be entered by people, and then think about the question to answer yourself, regarding that. Atleast, you should be able to Google the answer, I don't mean actual answer to captha per-say, but goggle each of the different types of answers people could be answering above question with, and then research each one to find the answer with, which should only take a couple minutes honestly, as not that many potential answers, when going by firstly the most popular.

I cannot help more than above when not privately and everyone to see. PM me if still in doubt, but please do make a concerned effort first though. Also, I will not give you the answer in PM either, but possibly a little more explenation, to help you help yourself. Though honestly I'm little unsure, because you only have one short post, as first post, and then this, which seems little fishy to me, so I'm not even sure I can help you more though and will think about that if that situation happens, but again, you should be able to answer regardless, if just using some effort/googling.

@all, mods, Cas, if I'm out of bounds above, and helping to much, then I'll delete post again of-course, so just give me a note or something if I'm out of line :) Though did try not to be, but hard to judge imho when is overstepping or not. I know it's for hindering spam and is pretty succesfully at that, so I don't wanna interfere with that of-course.

Edit: You only registered 6 days ago, so have already answered the CAPTCHA once + already forgot password?! Sorry, I am too unsure to potentially help you more in PM, but regardless, I'm then pretty sure that your sole issue is the issue I also had I.e the CAPTCHA question was there at registration, but missing at the "to many failed logins" CAPTCHA page, which makes much more sence, and should make it a breeze then to overcome now.
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Re: What answer to the above question is named after a person?

Post by andwan0 »

thanks, yeah, I gave up and reset my password seems to work.
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Re: What answer to the above question is named after a person?

Post by edwin.binney »

This is the first time I've made an account here (although I frequent the forums often to troubleshoot various things) and if there were a drop-down menu I'd have gotten it immediately. I actually clicked this forum post to try and glean some insight regarding the captcha's intention.

My own fault for running Windows, I guess. ʅ(́◡◝)ʃ
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Re: What answer to the above question is named after a person?

Post by mhertz »

Welcome, and good job solving the "puzzle" :)

@all, If you don't know then you dont know, and that's fine of course and not your fault. For most I'd guess, it's simply a matter of either knowing off rip, or simply doing your own due diligence. Again, you should answer the CAPTCHA with one of the possible answers from question above, and if thinking about the three most used answers people would answer the question above with, and then e.g going to a Wikipedia page for each of those potential answers and reading the first couple paragraphs, or simpler/faster, make a quick Google search with each of those answers and the actual question, then you can answer the CAPTCHA in max a couple minutes. If not knowing the most usually used/popular answers to above question, then check main deluge page for unintentional clues, to lookup individually as said. There, now there should be no reason to not be able to atleast investigate and find out the answer yourself, and it's impossible to say it any clearer without actually spelling it out directly.
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Re: What answer to the above question is named after a person?

Post by spikeys1973 »

Hey to all, this issue is DEFINATELY not solved.

I have been trying to register here for nearly a month now (small month, more then 2 weeks) everytime bumping in to the issue of to many attempts while knowing for 100% certain the answer is correct. I even tried t ask people on different fora, but everyone replied that my answer of choice was indeed correct. I finally (should've done this earlier) tried registering on my mobile and voila here i am with exactly the same answer as i tried 100x before.

now i use the same browser on my (linux) based laptop, as i use on my mobile (firefox) so i wonder is it is an browser issue linux version firefox browser issue.

maybe a good idea to look into this..

anyway i am here.. just thought to share my experience as it has been an extremely frustrating one (allthough i shuld've tried a different browser from the getgo.. my bad)
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