Deluge 1.3.15 'loses' connection to Radarr and Sonarr

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Deluge 1.3.15 'loses' connection to Radarr and Sonarr

Post by yuljk »

Hi guys - I'm running Deluge 1.3.15 as a service on Windows Server 2019 Core. I've noticed over a period of time that both Sonarr and Radarr (also running as services on the same VM) lose connection to Deluge. When hitting the test button in Radarr or Sonarr I get the following in my logs.

19-4-4 15:47:44.5|Warn|NzbDroneErrorPipeline|Invalid request Validation failed:
-- Unknown exception: Failed to connect to Deluge daemon.

If I connect to the Deluge interface and then connect to the instance through connection manager, Radarr and Sonarr start communicating again.

Any ideas why this is happening? (I've also tried creating a scheduled task each day to stop and restart the deluged, delugeweb, radarr and sonarr services - however this doesn't help)
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Re: Deluge 1.3.15 'loses' connection to Radarr and Sonarr

Post by x1234 »

This happened to me with Deluge 2.1.1 and the latest Sonarr. Same behavior - Sonarr would see Deluge as unhealthy, I'd connect to Deluge in the web UI and then Sonarr would see it as healthy. This is on Ubuntu. I deleted the Deluge config directory (~/.config/deluge), and it fixed it.
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Re: Deluge 1.3.15 'loses' connection to Radarr and Sonarr

Post by ambipro »

Since you can connect to the WebUI yourself, and that is never an actual issue, I'm tempted to lean more towards that this is an issue with *arr configuration and not deluge in itself...but I can't say that for sure. Maybe check out the appropriate *arr discord and ask about this, they've been super helpful and quick to respond to issues I've had.

Alternatively, try what x1234 suggested if you are feeling experimental, but it could just be a session expiration issue and for some reason, your *arr instances aren't handling it quite right? I've not seen this behavior in any of my *arr services, though, or heard of any issues like this with deluge before now.

There are many possibilities..and whether all of the *arr's are running on the same VM, your actual VM networking setup, like how you configured deluge and *arr to communicate (local IP), any certificates - if thats applicable, and on and on, but my question is - did this just develop out of nowhere and was working fine for a while? did you change something or update something? Perhaps an update to *arr's caused a change?

As I said, the discord for sonarr would probably be the most active and easiest place to go for help, radarr's discord is for almost all other *arr's but feel free to pick either or both and ask there as well.

Let us know what you find and more details and we'll give it our best shot.
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