Deluge 2.0 Beta 1

Suggestions and discussion of future versions
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Re: Deluge 2.0 Beta 1

Post by mhertz »

Sorry jeps, cannot help, but just wanted to add that lately i'm having the same issue with stable v1.3.15, which i've never had before, and the only change i've done, is to run deluged from it's systemd service file which runs deluge as deluge user instead me running deluged locally. It happens on/off, e.g. every tenth time maybe, but when it happens, it always after having stopped deluged with it's systemd service file(the journalctl doesn't list errors there), through my script. X freezes and I cannot change tabs in chromium or fire up terminals, nothing, so I ctrl+altgr+delete and startx to "fix". Also, I haden't used deluge for 3 months maybe, when I started again, so probably an libtorrent update issue or updated system component/kernel/xorg colliding. The strange thing is that rtorrent did the same, but that was fixed with pkill -2 rtorrent in my script instead of pkill's default signal 15. Probably unrelated, since another version, and happens on exit, but it just caught my eye when you said it took your entire desktop down, like with me too.

Could I please ask you a favor? Whenever you have the time, not in a hurry, then if you could please run deluged and then deluge-console and press return to connect and esc to exit the help screen and then press p - which should open preferences. If nothing happens, then it's arrow-left and then p - do you see preferences coming through, or an error up-top about a deferred error like me? Thanks alot in advance - wanna see if it's a general problem or related to my setup solely(arch-linux) - i've looked through debug-logs and checked the shown files at the reported lines, but isn't good enough at python to understand the whole-complicated deluge-"framework" and nothing "evident" shines through.
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Re: Deluge 2.0 Beta 1

Post by Spadge »

For me, it's the Incoming Address setting in Preferences/Network that keeps emptying itself. I've not noticed if it's every reboot, or just some reboots, or only reboots after an update, or what. I don't reboot the Pi much. I am aware that I have had to write it in a couple of times. I'll keep a look out for it and write up a bug request when I've worked it out.

The incoming port hasn't deleted itself yet.
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Re: Deluge 2.0 Beta 1

Post by mhertz »

Regarding incoming ports, libtorrent will choose another port by default if it can't bind to defined port e.g. if busy, but there's a setting you can disable for this behavior, although if the port is busy, then I don't know what will happen with that setting disabled, since no port to use then. I would try changing the port as it sounds like it could be "busy", and then the libtorrent setting to disable from ltconfig plugin is: 'listen_system_port_fallback = false'(true by default).

About my previous described issue of deluge hanging, and hanging X too, for stable version, then I just noticed that 'sudo systemctl stop deluged.service' sometimes can hang for a minute or so before stops(I use it from a script normally so haden't noticed), When checking 'journalctl -xe', then I can see that deluged doesn't respond to sigterm(signal 15) and hence after timeouts runs signal 9 sigkill and then it stops. I remember that my freezing X issue with rtorrent, where because of running signal 9(or 15) for killing rtorrent from my script, and changing to signal 2 worked, so it seems to be the same issue(kernel/Xorg?). I'm no systemd wizz, but maybe I can change the service file to change this behavior - i'd guess that's a possibility :)

Edit: Yeah, systemd supports 'KillSignal=' option, so I could e.g.:

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sudo mkdir /etc/systemd/system/deluged.service.d
echo "[Service]\nKillSignal=2" | sudo tee /etc/systemd/system/deluged.service.d/deluged.conf
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
pgrep deluged && sudo systemctl restart deluged
Edit2: Crap, signal-2 don't fix it, as just had a freeze! It worked for rtorrent for exact same issue, but this time I run the client under other user-name and kills through sudo, though don't see what that has to do with anything really. I've tried now changing my script to instead killing deluge with 'deluge-console halt' which also might as well should be used anyway, and hoping it will not happen again, but i'm not too convinced honestly.
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Re: Deluge 2.0 Beta 1

Post by highvoltage »

@arvidn arvidn released this 13 hours ago

coalesce reads and writes by default on windows
fixed disk I/O performance of checking hashes and creating torrents
fix race condition in part_file
fix part_file open mode compatibility test
fixed race condition in random number generator
fix race condition in stat_cache (disk storage)
improve error handling of failing to change file priority
The API for custom storage implementations was altered
set the hidden attribute when creating the part file
fix tracker announces reporting more data downloaded than the size of the torrent
fix recent regression with force_proxy setting
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Re: Deluge 2.0 Beta 1

Post by ForeignerinPhils »

One thing I would dearly love to see in Deluge is a 'time since last upload'. In other words, how long is it since a leecher downloaded this torrent from me. This is probably only of value for torrents which are seeding. Any chance of this being included?
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Re: Deluge 2.0 Beta 1

Post by Spadge »

highvoltage wrote:libtorrent-1.1.8
@arvidn arvidn released this 13 hours ago
Global speed limits still broken in this version, which makes me wonder if it's not a feature rather than a bug.
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Re: Deluge 2.0 Beta 1

Post by 247 »

out of curiosity, is this beta only windows and ubuntu?how to try it in fedora 28? (except waiting for the stable of course)
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Re: Deluge 2.0 Beta 1

Post by mhertz »

Additionally, there's instructions on main site for manually installing from source, possibly in a virtualenv to have it isolated from everything else/deluge-stable:

Also, maybe search around if there's some kinda deb2rpm tool?

Edit: I don't know if there's better/newer available, but a quick search led me to 'Alien' cli tool with command:

Code: Select all

sudo alien -r <pakgname>.deb
Also, 'Package Converter' is a GUI frontend for Alien: ... noarch.rpm
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Re: Deluge 2.0 Beta 1

Post by mhertz »

I just tried building it from source in a virtualenv for the first time, and I already had libtorrent-rasterbar installed globally and then ran(I only use deluged+deluge-console):

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virtualenv2 --system-site-packages ~/.local/deluge-git
cd ~/.local/deluge-git
bin/pip2 install twisted[tls] pyxdg slimit
bin/pip2 install git+git://
When running '~/.local/deluge-git/bin/deluged' and '~/.local/deluge-git/bin/deluge-console', then the deferred error still comes up when pressing 'p' to enter the preferences panes, so not a specific arch-linux problem. Not that I have any use really for such, as always edit core.conf directly, but nonetheless.
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Re: Deluge 2.0 Beta 1

Post by mhertz »

Sorry, i'm an idiot, my previous commands installed master branch instead of develop(so an older deluge-2.0 not fully up-to-date), so the last line should have appended '@develop'. I also saw from the git-develop changelog that Cas had made fixes for the console-UI, and which I can vouch for also, so thanks alot Cas for that! :) It still reports "Unhandled error in deferred" the very first time you press 'p', but the second time and all thereafter works fine, in contrary to before that fix. Thanks again!

Anyway, if wanna test deluge's git-develop branch while also having/keeping deluge-stable installed, then run(adapt to your distro, e.g. drop the letter '2' possibly from commands if having errors):

Code: Select all

virtualenv2 --system-site-packages ~/.local/deluge-git
cd ~/.local/deluge-git
bin/pip2 install slimit
bin/pip2 install git+git://
(It's 30mb installed, which includes 13mb of the virtualenv base-files, and fully self-contained/separated i.e. only installed into that dir and just uses deps installled globally - to uninstall, simply delete dir)

Instead of the little longer path to run the deluge-git "binaries", you can simply e.g.(or just "activate" the virtualenv by sourcing a start file, but i've never done that honestly):

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cd ~/.bin
ln -nsf ../.local/deluge-git/bin/deluged deluged-git
ln -nsf ../.local/deluge-git/bin/deluge-console deluge-console-git
ln -nsf ../.local/deluge-git/bin/deluge-gtk deluge-gtk-git
ln -nsf ../.local/deluge-git/bin/deluge-web deluge-web-git
(most use '~/bin' instead of '~/.bin' like me above ;) )