[Plugin] YaRSS2 - RSS plugin with GTKUI support

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Re: [Plugin] YaRSS2 - RSS plugin with GTKUI support

Post by bro »

gqsmooth wrote:Hey Bro. So I tried the 2.7 plugin and left it named 2.7. All of a sudden it worked. I have no idea what I was doing wrong before, but somehow it got it. Thanks again for all your help man, I really appreciate it.
If you renamed to 2.6 on the server running python 2.7, then it's explained why it didn't work ;-)

I'll add a paragraph about this on the wiki.
When reporting issues, please include any relevant information such as OS (and version), python version (for Windows users this depends on which Deluge installer was used), Deluge version and plugin version.
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Re: [Plugin] YaRSS2 - RSS plugin with GTKUI support

Post by gqsmooth »

bro wrote:
gqsmooth wrote:Hey Bro. So I tried the 2.7 plugin and left it named 2.7. All of a sudden it worked. I have no idea what I was doing wrong before, but somehow it got it. Thanks again for all your help man, I really appreciate it.
If you renamed to 2.6 on the server running python 2.7, then it's explained why it didn't work ;-)

I'll add a paragraph about this on the wiki.
Yeah, I think I got confused when you said that Windows users must use 2.6 python egg. I don't think I ever tried the 2.7 egg because my thin client is running on my Windows machine but it's connected to a linux seedbox. It'd be good to clarify that where Deluge is actually running determines the appropriate python egg installed.

So I got the RSS feed going, I added the *. wildcard subscription and it populated the dialog box with all the correct site RSS subscription files, but none of them have a green check under matching, all have a Red X. If I right click on a file, it does allow me to add and d/l but it doesn't do it automatically. Ideas?
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Re: [Plugin] YaRSS2 - RSS plugin with GTKUI support

Post by bro »

gqsmooth wrote:
bro wrote:
gqsmooth wrote:Hey Bro. So I tried the 2.7 plugin and left it named 2.7. All of a sudden it worked. I have no idea what I was doing wrong before, but somehow it got it. Thanks again for all your help man, I really appreciate it.
If you renamed to 2.6 on the server running python 2.7, then it's explained why it didn't work ;-)

I'll add a paragraph about this on the wiki.
Yeah, I think I got confused when you said that Windows users must use 2.6 python egg. I don't think I ever tried the 2.7 egg because my thin client is running on my Windows machine but it's connected to a linux seedbox. It'd be good to clarify that where Deluge is actually running determines the appropriate python egg installed.

So I got the RSS feed going, I added the *. wildcard subscription and it populated the dialog box with all the correct site RSS subscription files, but none of them have a green check under matching, all have a Red X. If I right click on a file, it does allow me to add and d/l but it doesn't do it automatically. Ideas?
The Wiki has i section about it now: http://dev.deluge-torrent.org/wiki/Plugins/YaRSS2
Feel free to modify it to make it better ;-)

*. will not work as you have them in the wrong order (Look at the note appearing at the bottom ("Regex: nothing to repeat")). The punctuation mark will match any one character, and a star says that the previous expression should match zero or more times. So you need to write .*

But all you really need (to match any torrent) is the punctuation mark, as that will match the first character of any name.
When reporting issues, please include any relevant information such as OS (and version), python version (for Windows users this depends on which Deluge installer was used), Deluge version and plugin version.
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Re: [Plugin] YaRSS2 - RSS plugin with GTKUI support

Post by tripps »

I've tried everything I can to get SMTP notifications (even test notifications) to work. I've checked and made sure that I can reach my SMTP server using telnet. I've even signed up for another outgoing SMTP service [SMTP2GO] that doesn't require SSL or TLS to check to see if that was causing the problem. No matter what I do, I cannot send an email out. The message log shows "(2012-10-13T18:04:13): Sending email 'My Notification Name Here'." I have a NAS at home and it has no problem sending out SMTP email alerts using my credentials (through Google). I tried the same Google configuration with no avail. By process of elimination it has to be YaRSS2 itself of the mechanism in which it tries to send an email. I'm using Deluge 1.3.5, YaRSS2 1.1.2-py2.7, and Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (kernel 3.2.0-32-generic). Any help or insight would be appreciated.
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Re: [Plugin] YaRSS2 - RSS plugin with GTKUI support

Post by bro »

tripps wrote:I've tried everything I can to get SMTP notifications (even test notifications) to work. I've checked and made sure that I can reach my SMTP server using telnet. I've even signed up for another outgoing SMTP service [SMTP2GO] that doesn't require SSL or TLS to check to see if that was causing the problem. No matter what I do, I cannot send an email out. The message log shows "(2012-10-13T18:04:13): Sending email 'My Notification Name Here'." I have a NAS at home and it has no problem sending out SMTP email alerts using my credentials (through Google). I tried the same Google configuration with no avail. By process of elimination it has to be YaRSS2 itself of the mechanism in which it tries to send an email. I'm using Deluge 1.3.5, YaRSS2 1.1.2-py2.7, and Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (kernel 3.2.0-32-generic). Any help or insight would be appreciated.
Sorry about that, you've met some bugs ;-)

Can you try the attached egg?
(240.43 KiB) Downloaded 302 times
Last edited by bro on Wed Oct 17, 2012 11:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
When reporting issues, please include any relevant information such as OS (and version), python version (for Windows users this depends on which Deluge installer was used), Deluge version and plugin version.
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Re: [Plugin] YaRSS2 - RSS plugin with GTKUI support

Post by MasterCATZ »

I seem to be having a problem getting the RSS settings to show

using deluge daemon on FreeBSD seed box ( Deluge 1.3.5 )

connecting using thin client on FreeBSD

systems in classic mode

yaRSS2 is showing as checked plugin but not showing in categories or anywhere else in the GUI

installed yaRSS2 from inside the GUI and also restarted the daemon

how ever if i do the exact same thing with the Pc next to me same FreeBSD install and daemon it worked !!

the only diff would be x11 is installed

any idea's ?


never mind

halted daemon cleared out the plugin Dir / Reinstalled plugin from GUI and it worked that time


and so I remember how to find cookies in chrome again
Keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + J opens developer tools 2. There is a tab "Resources" with tree-view in it. Look for green item "Cookies":

Unable to decode torrent file! (invalid bencoding)


but the download link is


anyway to add some code in to be able to change links to redirect to the torrent file ?

Re: [Plugin] YaRSS2 - RSS plugin with GTKUI support

Post by mazungu »

bro wrote:
tripps wrote:I've tried everything I can to get SMTP notifications (even test notifications) to work. I've checked and made sure that I can reach my SMTP server using telnet. I've even signed up for another outgoing SMTP service [SMTP2GO] that doesn't require SSL or TLS to check to see if that was causing the problem. No matter what I do, I cannot send an email out. The message log shows "(2012-10-13T18:04:13): Sending email 'My Notification Name Here'." I have a NAS at home and it has no problem sending out SMTP email alerts using my credentials (through Google). I tried the same Google configuration with no avail. By process of elimination it has to be YaRSS2 itself of the mechanism in which it tries to send an email. I'm using Deluge 1.3.5, YaRSS2 1.1.2-py2.7, and Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (kernel 3.2.0-32-generic). Any help or insight would be appreciated.
Sorry about that, you've met some bugs ;-)

Can you try the attached egg?
Was having the same issue so I tried the attached egg. Seems to install ok but afterwords I cannot add any rss feeds. I can click "Add Feed" but no dialog box opens up. Reverting back to 1.1.2 seems to fix the button again. To get around this I added a feed in 1.1.2 and just swapped out the egg after. (you can edit them fine in 1.1.3 just not add them).

I did a few test subscription fires and added the email events to "on torrent added". Setup the email profiles with the correct info and made sure "send email on rss events" is checked. But no matter what I do i never get "Sending email" in the message log. Is there some other log I should be looking at?


Code: Select all

  "email_messages": {
    "0": {
      "to_address": "xxxxxxxxxx@gmail.com",
      "name": "New Shows!",
      "key": "0",
      "active": true,
      "message": "Hi\n\nThe following torrents have been downloaded:\n\n$torrentlist\n\nRegards\n",
      "subject": "[YaRSS2]: RSS event"
  "email_configurations": {
    "default_email_subject": "[YaRSS2]: RSS event",
    "from_address": "shows@xxxxxxxx.com",
    "smtp_authentication": true,
    "send_email_on_torrent_events": true,
    "smtp_port": "25",
    "smtp_server": "mail.xxxxxxxx.com",
    "smtp_password": "xxxxxxxx",
    "default_email_message": "Hi\n\nThe following torrents have been downloaded:\n\n$torrentlist\n\nRegards\n",
    "smtp_username": "shows@xxxxxxxx.com",
    "default_email_to_address": ""
  "subscriptions": {
    "1": {
      "last_match": "2012-10-15T23:58:17",
      "regex_include": "Castle.*720p.*Scene",
      "regex_exclude": "",
      "name": "Castle",
      "add_torrents_in_paused_state": true,
      "regex_include_ignorecase": false,
      "download_location": "",
      "custom_text_lines": "",
      "regex_exclude_ignorecase": true,
      "key": "1",
      "rssfeed_key": "0",
      "active": true,
      "email_notifications": {
        "0": {
          "on_torrent_added": true,
          "on_torrent_completed": false
      "move_completed": ""
According to my settings it should be trying to send an email as soon as it fires and adds the torrent. I have confirmed my server/authentication credentials with a simple ruby script which sends emails fine. I do not use any ssl. Id appreciate any help.

Ubuntu 12.04 LTS deluge 1.3.5 deamon mode
deluge 1.3.5 OSX app

Thanks so much for your time and developing a wonderful plugin!
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Re: [Plugin] YaRSS2 - RSS plugin with GTKUI support

Post by bro »


You're right, that last test version fails to add RSS Feeds (I've written tests for that now to prevent that happening again ;-) )

I didn't get to test if emails were sent when torrents were added, just that sending a test email worked. Have you tried sending a test email? Just right click the message in the list of notifications and click "Send test email now".

I'll test it more thoroughly (and try adding tests for emails as well) as soon as I can.
When reporting issues, please include any relevant information such as OS (and version), python version (for Windows users this depends on which Deluge installer was used), Deluge version and plugin version.
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Re: [Plugin] YaRSS2 - RSS plugin with GTKUI support

Post by bro »

MasterCATZ wrote:Unable to decode torrent file! (invalid bencoding)


but the download link is


anyway to add some code in to be able to change links to redirect to the torrent file ?
Yes, link rewriting was a feature in the old FlexRSS plugin, so maybe that code can be copied. I'll take a look at it.
When reporting issues, please include any relevant information such as OS (and version), python version (for Windows users this depends on which Deluge installer was used), Deluge version and plugin version.
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Re: [Plugin] YaRSS2 - RSS plugin with GTKUI support

Post by bro »


I've fixed and tested the email functionality, and it seems to work ;-) Try the attached egg.

Thanks for reporting the bug by the way ;-)
(240.43 KiB) Downloaded 305 times
When reporting issues, please include any relevant information such as OS (and version), python version (for Windows users this depends on which Deluge installer was used), Deluge version and plugin version.
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