[Plugin] MyScheduler v2.0.0a1 (Forced Start) - Testers needed for Deluge 2.x

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[Plugin] MyScheduler v2.0.0a1 (Forced Start) - Testers needed for Deluge 2.x

Post by h3llrais3r »

Modified deluge scheduler plugin with 'force start' support.
Since the original owner has transfered the repo to me and I've updated the plugin for the latest Deluge 1.3.12 (and 1.3.13) version, I've created a new topic.
This is a continuation of the original plugin which can be found at http://forum.deluge-torrent.org/viewtop ... =9&t=33053

From now one, I'll use this thread and you can find the latest version of the plugin in this opening post.
Hope you enjoy it.

Plugin source link: https://github.com/h3llrais3r/deluge-myscheduler

Plugin egg for deluge 1.3.12:
(29.83 KiB) Downloaded 3847 times
(also has broken gtk ui, but webui works)

Plugin egg for deluge 1.3.13 - 1.3.15:

MyScheduler-0.3.1-py2.7.egg (deprecated, broken gtk ui, but webui works)

MyScheduler-0.3.2-py2.7.egg(deprecated, webui layout broken)

MyScheduler-0.3.3-py2.7.egg(deprecated, use never version)

MyScheduler-0.3.4-py2.7.egg(deprecated, use never version)

MyScheduler-0.3.5-py2.7.egg(deprecated, use never version)
(31 KiB) Downloaded 2914 times
(Updated version with webui forced start flag in torrent options tab)
(31.36 KiB) Downloaded 1893 times
(Updated version with option to ignore the schedule)

Plugin egg for deluge 2.x:

See viewtopic.php?f=9&t=54025&p=230566#p230566
Last edited by h3llrais3r on Tue Nov 12, 2019 7:58 pm, edited 35 times in total.
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Re: [Plugin] MyScheduler v0.3.0 (Forced Start)

Post by mastafrooper »

As of updating the Deluge 1.3.13 the force start option seems to be broken. The scheduling part works correctly it would seem but when you tell a torrent to be forced it stays paused during the off schedule.

Have confirmed this on two separate Deluge install on two different machines.

Both are Windows 10 Pro x64 though.
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Re: [Plugin] MyScheduler v0.3.0 (Forced Start)

Post by h3llrais3r »

Plugin is created for deluge 1.3.12, so I would advise to use this version.
I see in the changelog of version 1.3.13 that there were some changes in the core and the scheduler plugin that could cause the problem.
I'm currently running the 1.3.12 version and I'll have a look at it when I have a bit more time.
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Re: [Plugin] MyScheduler v0.3.1 (Forced Start)

Post by h3llrais3r »

New version 0.3.1 release for deluge 1.3.13
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Re: [Plugin] MyScheduler v0.3.1 (Forced Start)

Post by Wezz »

I can't get the client to read the MyScheduler settings. I'm using 0.3.1 with 1.3.13. I have the plugin in appdata plugins folder on both the client and the server. I deleted the older version of MyScheduler at both locations.

I was wondering if this was any permission problem but since I can change deluge settings on the client remotely, without a problem and MyScheduler worked fine before I updated, then it may not be the case.

Could there be any leftover settings I still need to delete, for it to work properly?
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Re: [Plugin] MyScheduler v0.3.1 (Forced Start)

Post by h3llrais3r »

I did not test an upgrade. I started with a clean install and it was working.
Did you update both client and server to the latest version?
Perhaps you can try:
- stop client and server
- delete old myscheduler plugin egg in config plugin folders
- delete all the myscheduler config (myscheduler.conf and myschedulerstates.conf) files
- copy new myscheduler plugin egg in the config plugin folders
- restart server and client

Can you access your settings directly on your server?
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Re: [Plugin] MyScheduler v0.3.1 (Forced Start)

Post by Wezz »

Yup, both client and server were updated to latest Deluge version and MyScheduler also. I deleted the old plugin eggs from both machines, when I updated.
I only found the myscheduler.conf and myschedulerstates.conf files on the server in AppData\Roaming\Deluge. Not in the client, but maybe that's normal. What I also found out is that there's double of files in the Roaming\Deluge folder on the server.

These also have double files

gtku.... (not gonna write all the copies, but they all have the same name with an added ~ )

Maybe these are some kind of temp files the client writes to before the server implements the settings changes.

Most of those files are modified the same time and date as their copy but not all of them.
On the client only gtkui.conf, hostlist.conf.1.2, and labelplus_ui.conf had copies. But since labelplus is another plugin then it's strange that myscheduler doesn't even have one single config file on the client.

I use remote desktop so I can edit deluge settings using that. If that was what you meant?

I deleted the my scheduler settings with both client and server closed down.
-restarted the server
-edited the MyScheduler setting using RDP
-started the client deluge but couldn't see any changes there

Can try to deleted the .egg also, and do the same, but since they both have the newest version then I don't see how that could help.
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Re: [Plugin] MyScheduler v0.3.1 (Forced Start)

Post by h3llrais3r »

Wezz wrote: I use remote desktop so I can edit deluge settings using that. If that was what you meant?
No that's not what I mean, but I think I know what could be the problem.
If you apply the deluge settings with remote desktop, it applies the config to the user (AppData\Roaming\Deluge) that is logged in via RDP.
So if you are using a separate client to connect to, I think it will never see those changes.

What I advise is to do the following (I'm working like this without any problems):
  • setup the daemon on your server (use -c <configlocation> startup parameter to use a custom config location to prevent it from being saved in the user appdata folder)
  • setup the webui on your server (use -c <configlocation> startup parameter to use a custom config location to prevent it from being saved in the user appdata folder)
I've setup both as a windows service that start at startup of my machine.
Once started, I can easily access my server (and config) via the webui.

More info can be found here: http://dev.deluge-torrent.org/wiki/UserGuide/ThinClient

EDIT: it seems that the plugin settings only work with the webui. I need to investigate why the gtk version is not working.
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Re: [Plugin] MyScheduler v0.3.1 (Forced Start)

Post by h3llrais3r »

Ok, fixed gtk ui and added forced settings to webui.
New release 0.3.2 0.3.3 can be found in opening post for deluge 1.3.13 ;)
Please give me your feedback if it's working for you.
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Re: [Plugin] MyScheduler v0.3.3 (Forced Start)

Post by Ansem »

I love the scheduler plugin, but can you please add a way to pause it for X hours? or at least disable it?
It seems that if you simply disable the scheduler from the plug-in tab, it won't restore the original limitaion
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