This is a GtkUI and WebUI plugin.
- Select how many torrents are allowed at the same time.
- Choose to remove or pause them based on multiple criteria age, seeders, seed time or ratio.
- Set specific removal rules depending on tracker or label.
- Remove only torrents from specific trackers or labels.
- Only remove torrents if under a certain HDD space threshold.
- Select if torrents have to fulfill both or either criteria.
- Delete torrents in order (e.g. delete torrents with highest ratio first).
- Don't remove torrents if they don't reach a minimum time (in days) or ratio.
- Choose the removal interval.
- Right click and select torrents that you don't want automatically removed.
- Remove torrent data option.
- Create an exempted tracker or label list, so that torrents that belong to those trackers or labels are not removed.
- WebUI.
Look for torrents to remove every day:
Code: Select all
Check every: 1
Code: Select all
Check every: 0.0416
Code: Select all
Maximum torrents: 0
Code: Select all
Maximum torrents: 500
Code: Select all
Remove by: Ratio, Min: 2.0, and, Remove by: Seed Time, Min: 4
Code: Select all
Remove by: Ratio, Min: 2.0, or, Remove by: Seed Time, Min: 4
Code: Select all
Uncheck second Remove by: criteria
Code: Select all
Remove torrents
Source code:
Version 0.6.1
- Bugfix: Fixed error loading settings on certain WebUI configurations.
Version 0.6
- Feature: Specific settings for trackers and labels.
- Feature: Remove only torrents from specific trackers or labels.
- Feature: Usability improvements.
- Bugfix: Correctly check in WebUI if saving preferences is necessary.
- Bugfix: Removal of torrents in order even when they are going to be deleted.
Version 0.5.1
- Bugfix: No label error fixed.
Version 0.5
- Feature: Exclude torrents based on labels.
- Feature: Only remove torrents if under a certain HDD space threshold.
- Feature: Threshold for removing torrents based on seed count.
- Feature: Pause instead of remove torrents.
Version 0.4
- Feature: Customizable removal interval. Times are expected as days.
- Feature: Multiple removal criteria.
Version 0.3
- Feature: Minimum value to delete torrents according to ratio, seed time or age. Times are expected as days.
- Feature: New filtering function seed time added.
Version 0.2
- Feature: Fully functional WebUI
- Feature: Exempted tracker list
- Bugfix: Exempted torrent toggle not showing correct value on first time
Version 0.1.1
- Remove torrent data option
Version 0.1
- Initial version