1. You need to have pickledb installed
Code: Select all
pip install pickledb
3. Execute plugin configured to run on torrent start and on torrent finish.
3. If you want to use either growl or pushover notifications you will need gntp and/or pushnotify respectively
Code: Select all
pip install gntp pushnotify
5. For pushover: You need to setup your account on their site (
6. Fill out the information at the top of each script.
What these scripts do:
1. When a torrent is placed in a folder which is watched by the AutoAdd plugin, it is automatically added and labeled using the LabelPlus plugin.
2. Next, one of my python scripts fires thanks to the torrent_added event with the help of the Execute plugin. This script does a number of things:
- Based on the folder name from which the torrent was added (e.g. Sam, Frank, Joe etc.), it will send a growl notification to said computer on the network.
- It also has the ability to push notifications to iOS and Android devices through various apps such as pushover prowl and nma.
- Next it adds the torrent hash and the user who added the torrent to a database.
4. Then another script is fired with the help of the Execute plugin which serves the following functions:
- Looks up the torrent in the database and removes it.
- Sends a growl notification to the user's computer on the network.
- Extracts the contents of the torrent if need be (I use code I modified from the Extractor plugin).
- Then it looks up the label of the torrent and if it matches one of the provided labels (e.g. Movies, TV), it proceeds to invoke the Plex Media Scanner to update the library.
- Finally, it sends a notification to the user's mobile device.
It's hard to think of what else I should explain so just post here if you have any questions.
Lastly, credit to ... 9&p=172841 for the idea as well as the author of the extractor plugin (I took the core of that plugin and adapted it for the unpacking functionality).