This plugin adds a preference page to both GtkUI and WebUI.
The current major version is 2.x. It targets Deluge 2.x and Python 3. If you have an older version of Deluge, please use v0.3.1.
WARNING: Modify settings at your own risk!
For information about each setting, see the libtorrent manual.
NOTE: Older versions of libtorrent may have different settings. You can get some info on
your specific version by visiting the code repository here. Select your specific version and then
navigate to and open: include/libtorrent/session_settings.hpp. Do a search for "session_settings(".
You should find the setting declarations and comments that describe them.
To make sure changes persist, modify this plugin's preference page by itself. Modifying any of
the Deluge preference pages at the same time may trigger a Deluge callback that could override
some of the libtorrent settings set by this plugin.
Changes should take effect immediately. There may be some settings whose changes might not
be acknowledged by libtorrent.
Compatibility notes:
- Tested with Deluge 2.0.3, libtorrent
Changelog (Full):
Version 2.0.0
- Update to support Deluge 2.x and Python 3
Version 0.3.1
- Fix hang when using Deluge from Debian 9 repo
- Improve compatibility of presets
- Restart network services when settings changed
Version 0.3.0
- Add support for dict settings (lt >= 0.16.x)
- Add libtorrent defaults preset
- Change version to semantic versioning
- Add support for DHT settings
- Fix ltConfig not trying to use Deluge's libtorrent first
- Fix libtorrent version checking
- Add preset support (from
- Allow columns to be resized in GtkUI
- Add WebUI support
- Fix apply button not applying if apply on start is disabled