Note: Due to the method used to get transfer progress (checking file sizes), the progress will not always be accurate. This is mainly when a system fully allocates space for the file before actually moving the file data. In this case, there is no way to tell what the progress is because the full file size is reported by the system. When this happens, MoveTools will try to estimate using the speed from previous transfers.
Additionally, the plugin gives an option to force move a completed torrent to its assigned move completed path. Alone this doesn't seem very useful, but if you are using a labeling plugin like the built-in Label or LabelPlus that sets the move completed path, you can simplify the process of getting your torrents to the right location (because of relabeling, etc) by using this feature.
This is mainly a GtkUI plugin. The WebUI will show the status column from this plugin, but that's it.
Compatibility notes:
- Known to work on at least Deluge 1.3.3 (Tested on Windows XP 32-bit)
- Known to work on at least GTK+ 2.16 (Tested on Windows XP 32-bit)
Eggs: Changelog (Full):
- Add core initialization check in UI
- Fix status rounding up to 100 percent
- Progress estimation based on speed of previous transfers
- Sidebar filters for move status
- Cancel pending move operations
- Use reactor based updating rather than threads
- Explicitly process one move operation at a time