[Plugin] Randomize plugin

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[Plugin] Randomize plugin

Post by praddy »


I wrote small plugin which when enabled will check whether the incoming port is firewalled every configurable interval and if it finds the current listen port to be firewalled it will choose another random port and force a reannounce for all the current torrents. It gets enabled only if the user has chosen to use random incoming ports in the core config (Network). I found it useful because my ISP blocks my random incoming port after some time and I found myself randomizing the incoming port again manually (clicking through prefs etc.). I am currently using and thought other folks may also find it useful. Here it is:

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Re: [Plugin] Randomize plugin

Post by Cas »

Thanks for sharing your plugin, I'll add it to the list.
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Re: [Plugin] Randomize plugin

Post by Currimundi »

how do I install this plugin, I have downloaded it and used the button on the plugin tab but it does not appear in the list

help please
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Re: [Plugin] Randomize plugin

Post by Cas »

What is your default python version? If it is python 2.6 try renaming the egg from Randomize-0.1-py2.7.egg to Randomize-0.1-py2.6.egg.
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Re: [Plugin] Randomize plugin

Post by Currimundi »

sorry...should have said I use win7 32bit,
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Re: [Plugin] Randomize plugin

Post by Cas »

Then try just renaming the plugin because the Win version uses Python 2.6
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Re: [Plugin] Randomize plugin

Post by Lee »

I am in England, UK and am also using your plugin on W7-32bit. Deluge is my favourite bittorrent client.

I just wanted to thank you for your Randomize plugin as it is very useful, since my ISP also stops downloads in response to active bittorrent ports.

If required please update your plugin in future so it always works.

Thanks very much.

Best regards,

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Re: [Plugin] Randomize plugin

Post by Deluged »

I'm using a router at home and I've set a range of 10 ports that will be open with my torrent client. The question, is there a simple way to edit the egg file so that the plugin randomizes based on this range of 10 ports?
Also does anyone know how Deluge chooses/changes a port if I set a range of ports in its Network tab? I've tried setting a range of 10 ports and it chooses the first port in the range.

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Re: [Plugin] Randomize plugin

Post by Cas »

A port range specified in Deluge will be tried in order until an available port is found.
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