[Plugin] Copy Completed plugin

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[Plugin] Copy Completed plugin

Post by samuel337 »

As the title says, this plugin will copy completed torrents to another location.

Yes this functionality can also be configured using scripts and the Execute plugin, but doing it using a plugin just feels cleaner to me :)

I've only created the web UI for configuration though, so it must be configured through that (or by hand). After configuration, remember to press Apply before pressing OK, otherwise settings may not be saved.

Also, you might need to refresh the web UI before the preferences section appears. It will look like this - http://twitpic.com/32ksj6

Egg: http://github.com/downloads/slai/deluge ... -py2.6.egg
(download this one if you're unsure, and place it in ~/.config/deluge/plugins.)

Source: http://github.com/slai/deluge-copycompleted

Re: [Plugin] Copy Completed plugin

Post by bigmaddrongo »

Apologies if I've missed any information on this elsewhere, I have tried to find out for myself first.

When trying to configure this plugin via the webui I receive the following error:
Error loading script:


status: TypeError: Cannot set property 'CopyCompletedPlugin' of undefined
Any advice gratefully received.

Running latest version of deluge from synaptic on Ubuntu server 10.04
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Re: [Plugin] Copy Completed plugin

Post by Cas »

What version of Deluge and python are you using?

Re: [Plugin] Copy Completed plugin

Post by bigmaddrongo »

Python is 2.6
Deluge is 1.2.2
On Ubuntu server 10.04
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Re: [Plugin] Copy Completed plugin

Post by Cas »

The latest version of Deluge is 1.3.3 and testing with that shows no issues so I wonder if there is something in the javascript making this plugin 1.3 specific.
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Re: [Plugin] Copy Completed plugin

Post by vodkaholic27 »

Hey, This does not work for me ,after adding the plugin there is no "copycompleted" on the left hand side menu


Any ideas why?

using 1.3.5 windows 7
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Re: [Plugin] Copy Completed plugin

Post by vodkaholic27 »

Oki it showed up :) I set the path but its not copying the completed torrents , is this for linux only?
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Re: [Plugin] Copy Completed plugin

Post by vodkaholic27 »

Ok a few more questions
It never saves my path even when applying first than ok after.

Is this mod dead?
Is this site dead?
Is Deluge dead?

There don't seem to be much active people here is all.
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Re: [Plugin] Copy Completed plugin

Post by Cas »

There can be quirks associated with Windows so if you look in the logs or run deluge-debug.exe you can see if its complaining.

There is activity in these forums on a daily basis. If there are no issues with this plugin then there would be not many updates.
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Re: [Plugin] Copy Completed plugin

Post by vodkaholic27 »

Cas wrote:There can be quirks associated with Windows so if you look in the logs or run deluge-debug.exe you can see if its complaining.

There is activity in these forums on a daily basis. If there are no issues with this plugin then there would be not many updates.
Ah right I see ,Thanks cas for the reply and I'll have a look
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