[Plugin] ltConfig v2.0.0

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Re: [Plugin] ltConfig v2.0.0

Post by ostiniatoze »

Thanks, I'm using deluge2, and itconfig-2.0 with python3, still no go.
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Re: [Plugin] ltConfig v2.0.0

Post by mhertz »

Does it show up in the list and can not be enabled or doesn't show in plugins list at all? If showing up and not being able to be enabled, then all I can suggest is running with debug logging enabled(check support section on deluge main page how enabling this) and check/post error obtained in log.

If enabling it manually, then remember to restart daemon after placing plugin in deluge's profile dirs plugin dir.
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Re: [Plugin] ltConfig v2.0.0

Post by bengalih »

So maybe I'm not understanding exactly how ltConfig works.

Upon fresh install of 2.x I had all default settings.
I loaded ltConfig and saw that "enable_incoming_utp" and "enable_outgoing_utp" were enabled (by default).
I went ahead and checked off the boxes to the left in ltConfig, and then cleared the checkboxes for each settings.
I also set the "apply at startup"

I know/see that this creates an ltConfig.conf file in my data directory which applies these at start.

The weird thing is that even if I shut down and delete the ltconfig.conf file (and bak), then on restart these settings still show disabled.
If I do the procedure in reverse to enable them, and then delete the conf file, I get the same result.

It is as if the settings are being set/saved somewhere else. Is this possible?

I am in a thin client config and I understand the different data paths (i.e. when connecting with my thin client it is just reading the config from my server's data directory). I have done multiple tests like this and each time it is the same.
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Re: [Plugin] ltConfig v2.0.0

Post by mhertz »

Settings are only saved in ltconfig.conf, yes. I though cannot reproduce your issue, except if deleting the config before actually quitting deluge, which then in that case gets regenerated upon closing deluge and hence reapplied upon new startup. If quitting deluge/daemon propperly, and then deleting ltconfig.conf from correct/intended place, then there shouldn't(and isn't, in my case at least ) be any settings to retain/apply.
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Re: [Plugin] ltConfig v2.0.0

Post by bengalih »

mhertz wrote:Settings are only saved in ltconfig.conf, yes. I though cannot reproduce your issue, except if deleting the config before actually quitting deluge, which then in that case gets regenerated upon closing deluge and hence reapplied upon new startup. If quitting deluge/daemon propperly, and then deleting ltconfig.conf from correct/intended place, then there shouldn't(and isn't, in my case at least ) be any settings to retain/apply.
I'll take a video or screen shots of each step. I did this about 6 times everything short of a complete reinstall (only did that once), and the issue is always the same.

I first noticed it because on first load the utp_* setting were enabled, and I wanted them off. So I used ltconfig to disable them.
I looked at the ltconfig.conf file and saw them listed there. I then used ltconfig to load one of the presets and when looking at the config file again I saw my utp* settings were not listed even though they were still showing as disabled by ltconfig. I did multiple tests toggling them on and off, shutting down, deleting the conf files, and however I had last set them was retained.
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Re: [Plugin] ltConfig v2.0.0

Post by bengalih »

mhertz wrote:Settings are only saved in ltconfig.conf, yes. I though cannot reproduce your issue, except if deleting the config before actually quitting deluge, which then in that case gets regenerated upon closing deluge and hence reapplied upon new startup. If quitting deluge/daemon propperly, and then deleting ltconfig.conf from correct/intended place, then there shouldn't(and isn't, in my case at least ) be any settings to retain/apply.
Ok, here are screen shots of the process:

https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/ ... sp=sharing

I originally had this issue on my server setup which is setup headless using the thin client. I recreated this on just my desktop switched back into classic mode. I was worried it wouldn't have the same issue, but it does - so I know it isn't relegated to one system or something weird with thin-client/server mode.

I have 7 captioned shots, but here is the rundown again of images:

01 - No ltconfig.conf file in the appdata directory before Deluge starts
02 - First run of Deluge. Not that incoming_udp_connections and outgoing_udp_connections are enabled. This is presumable the default.
03 - Close Deluge. See that ltconfig.conf is created in data folder
04 - See contents of ltconfig.conf which show the two disabled options.
05 - Relaunch Deluge to confirm settings still there. All good up to this point!
06 - Stop deluge, delete ltconfig.conf file
07 - Deluge launched with ltconfig.conf gone. Settings aren't checked, but values remain!

So to clarify/restate: ltconfig.conf file is gone and so you don't see those two settings "selected" anymore in ltconfig, however the values are no longer what they were originally (enabled), they are now disabled. So how is this possible that settings are changed from the default if there is no file/setting anywhere that is controlling this? I searched through all the other conf files for a clue but don't see another setting for these udp options.

I'f be very surprised if you can't recreate this, since I've been able to on two different systems.
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Re: [Plugin] ltConfig v2.0.0

Post by mhertz »

No, I cannot reproduce, sorry, and really strange indeed.

However, I found it strange that you even can toggle those options from UI, or maybe you don't, was little hard to catch from your wording imho. I refer to boolean options can only be set manually through ltconfig.conf or webui, in the deluge2 supported and latest plugin version from ratanakvlun, and in this testing here, I enabled them from gtk-ui, and then afterwards with deluge closed I changed true to false in the config.

Second, you haven't the option enabled for actually applying the option(s) i.e. "enable at startup", though still I cannot explain what you're seeing/posting.

Last, remember also, that you can drag the dialog more to the right, as there's a hidden scrollbar, so there comes an extra column with the actual value, and not just the "configured" value.

Very strange that there can be these disrephrensies from one system to the next, e.g also your issue posted yesterday in the unofficial deluge2 installer thread about not retaining the tabs/headings and bottombar-height, which I also cannot reproduce here, though read plenty others who could however(and the icon issue I could reproduce also however).

Edit: Tests done in win10 VM, unofficial deluge 2.0.3 from petersasi, everything default and latest ltconfig 2.0 plugin from ratanak. Also tested yesterday after your first post, in thinclient mode specifically, as per your commenting of that, with same result(server was arch-linux, client win10vm/deluge-2.0.3, in that test).
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Re: [Plugin] ltConfig v2.0.0

Post by bengalih »

mhertz wrote:No, I cannot reproduce, sorry, and really strange indeed.

However, I found it strange that you even can toggle those options from UI, or maybe you don't, was little hard to catch from your wording imho. I refer to boolean options can only be set manually through ltconfig.conf or webui, in the deluge2 supported and latest plugin version from ratanakvlun, and in this testing here, I enabled them from gtk-ui, and then afterwards with deluge closed I changed true to false in the config.

Second, you haven't the option enabled for actually applying the option(s) i.e. "enable at startup", though still I cannot explain what you're seeing/posting.

Last, remember also, that you can drag the dialog more to the right, as there's a hidden scrollbar, so there comes an extra column with the actual value, and not just the "configured" value.
I don't know what you mean when you say that you find it strange that I can toggle the options? Do you mean that clicking on the checkboxes don't work? That's true...they don't. But if you use the spacebar it will toggle them on and off. And, since it updates the ltconfig.conf file appropriately, I assumed that it should take.

You are right I forgot to "enable at startup" and I also wasn't showing the "Actual" column. So here is another set of images showing it this way:

https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/ ... Eq4jXib1T5

01 - Default install- both UTP settings enabled by default (no ltconfig.conf)
02 - Disabling both utp options and enabling on startup
03 - The ltconfig.conf file after shutting down Deluge
04 - Options still showing good after Deluge restart. Up to this point, everything still good!...now the problem...
05 - Close Deluge, deleted ltconfig file and restarted Deluge
06 - Actual utp settings still show disabled even though nothing is modifying them anymore!!

So hopefully you can see now. In the last image you can see that ltconfig no longer seems to be setting these values (there is no ltconfig.conf file, and there are no checkboxes in the left most column showing these being set). However, the values are still modified in their "actual" values from what they were in a default install. This means that somewhere else the settings for libtorrent have been modified permanently (or permanent enough until a user manually reverts these changes).

This makes no sense, but is very troublesome as one can not properly tune libtorrent reliably.
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Re: [Plugin] ltConfig v2.0.0

Post by mhertz »

Firstly, thanks for the space-bar "trick", I never knew that, and have always stated to people that toggling such from GTK-UI wasen't supported currently, doh, fell like a moron now, lol, but certantly appreciate the headsup, thanks mate! :) I also now posted this tip in the ticket I posted a while back on ltconfig's github to initially report this. And yes, definetely works, when recording toggled value in conf correctly.

Indeed, this is seeimgly troublesome, and i'm much baffled about this, and even more about why I cannot reproduce and you can??? Could you please in the last step start deluge with debug-logging enabled and post the log, or parts of it(regarding obtained/defined settings)? If using the windows unofficial client, then open command-prompt in deluge-install-folder and run 'deluge -L debug -l %userprofile%\deluge.log'.

Edit: On second thought, libtorrent saves current state of several things, including settings, or atleast sub-set of them, in session.state file, which then is loaded again by libtorrent at startup. As said I couldnt reproduce and also checked/searched-through session.state if it included any of these options tested here, which didn't, but I suspect this is the cause, which ltconfig cannot really be blamed about, and if i'm right in above, then as workaround you could at same time also delete session.state, which is fine and harmless, e.g Cas once suggested to do that as workaround for a deluge crashing bug. Anyway, just a thought, and if correct, then I'm sorry for the previously wrong statement of mine about only ltconfig.conf being the relevant part.
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Re: [Plugin] ltConfig v2.0.0

Post by xaeiou »


For any here that has installed the ltconfig plugin, can I please confirm is the configuration visible for you under "preferences" for the GTK thinclient?

For some reason, I can only see the ltconfig options under "preferences" from the webui, but they don't show up under the thinclient preferences. Other plugins I've added are there, but no entry for ltconfig".

I tried upgrading to the latest devel thinclient build, restarting the daemon etc but still no luck getting at the preferences for the plugin from the thinclient.

These are my versions:

Client: 2.1.1.dev7516
Server: 2.0.4.dev38

EDIT: Never mind I figured it out. It was because I didn't also have the egg installed on the client side. I've fallen for this trick before, you would think I'd have learned by now but apparently not :lol:
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