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donate link / registration anti-spam question

Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2018 8:29 pm
by meeotch
FYI: the Donate link on the main page points to a Deluge 2.0 Beta 1 post that has no donation info in it, instead of the Deluge 2.0 and Patreon Support thread.

Also, the registration anti-spam question kind of blows. One instance of it asks for the name of the donation site, but this info is difficult to find, due to the bug above. Also, the front page of doesn't seem to be linked anywhere in the main menu, so the only way you'd find it in the first place is by googling. The other question instance asks for the top linux distro on the Downloads page. However, both questions seem to be case-sensitive, which isn't mentioned & is a bummer given that you only get three tries.

Ultimately, I had to: 1) google up the page with the donation link, 2) grab the donate URL and search for it on, 3) try both capitalized and lowercase versions of the answer. With much guessing in between, I hit the three strikes limit several times before being able to register.