I've enabled the move torrent plugin to move completed torrents from my /downloads/ directory to /downloads/complete/
This works for the majority of the torrents, however some of them are left behind in the /downloads/ directory, resulting in the downloaded directory (/downloads/torrent#1/) and the files within it not being moved to the /downloads/complete/ folder.
Then there are some torrents where the directory seems to get copied to the completed folder (/downloads/complete/torrent#1/) with the files inside, but an empty directory remains in the original torrent download folder (downloads/torrent#1/) void of all the files that were once in it.
Anyone experiencing this or know why it would be happening? thanks
Move Torrent plugin working intermittently
Re: Move Torrent plugin working intermittently
I think this is probably related, this occurs on seeding torrents which havent been completely moved to the /downloads/complete/ folder. The downloaded directory is left behind in /downloads/ with no files inside, so i guess deluge tries looking for them there and doesnt find anything. why is this happening

Re: Move Torrent plugin working intermittently
I have the same problem with Deluge under Linux Ubuntu 7.10
It works sometimes but not others. Anyway they are folders with files, only files,...
It works sometimes but not others. Anyway they are folders with files, only files,...

Usuario Linux nº 413.257 (http://counter.li.org/)
Usuario Ubuntu nº 11312 (http://ubuntucounter.geekosophical.net/)
Usuario Linux nº 413.257 (http://counter.li.org/)
Usuario Ubuntu nº 11312 (http://ubuntucounter.geekosophical.net/)