Deluge kills the Network due to (useless?) UDP traffic?

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Deluge kills the Network due to (useless?) UDP traffic?

Post by Alienfreak »

I have encountered a massive drop of performance when leaving my local network when my homeserver is active with Deluge. My limits are 200 connections, 4 uploads, 20 per sec, unlimited half opens and like 10kb upstream maximum (overhead is not limited)plus all Extras (like LSD and stuff) are off. This also occurs when I have 4 torrents open wih like 12 kB overhead (so its like 22kB overall).
My connection is 16Mbps down and 1 Mbps up, so this shouldnt be the problem after all, but all computers (linux & windows alike) keep getting 6-12% packetloss.

Then i noticed that Deluge produces large ammount of UDP traffic. So I tried to only open the ports which Deluge uses for TCP but not for UDP. This solved all speed problems and didnt affect the downloadspeed of Deluge at all!
This also may be not the case and just happening now and stuff... no guarantees ;)

I have no time atm to take a closer look at what exactly Deluge is doing there, but does anyone have any idea what may be the case with that traffic?
Is this a bug?

Maybe something should be done rather soon because this bug for sure pisses off many people which want to surf in the interwebz while downloading with like 25kbps ;)
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Re: Deluge kills the Network due to (useless?) UDP traffic?

Post by andar »

UDP is used for stuff like DHT and Peer Exchange.. If you turn these features off then it won't use UDP.
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Re: Deluge kills the Network due to (useless?) UDP traffic?

Post by Alienfreak »

Its off? (like I wrote)

And I may be wrong on that UDP thingy, but still it kills my network even while having it massively throttled it down... so something is certainly wrong here :)
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