has some out of date scripting for FreeBSD multiple routing tables that does not work with modern openvpn in all cases.
I would suggest updating the FreeBSD multiple routing tables section with these changes:
setfib -1 /path/to/deluged -l /var/log/deluged/deluged.log -L info -i `ifconfig tun0 | awk '$1 == "inet" {print $2; exit}'`
1. Create /usr/local/etc/openvpn/link-up.sh with the following content:
/usr/sbin/setfib -1 /sbin/route add default "$route_vpn_gateway"
# you can also restart deluged here to update the VPN IP address
2. Add the following lines to the vpn config file:
script-security 2 # allow scripts to be run
route-noexec # prevent default route being added to main routing table
up-restart # up scripts are run on restart as well
up "/usr/local/etc/openvpn/link-up.sh"
A link-down.sh script can be added in a similar way to stop the deluged service since the VPN IP address is no longer valid.