GTK-UI doesn't start

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GTK-UI doesn't start

Post by zausel76 »

I'm running deluge 2.1.1 with the gtk-ui on endeavourOS. Since few days ago the gui won't start anymore.
'deluge-gtk -L info' stops after this line
11:21:00 [INFO ][deluge.ui.gtk3.common :368 ] Successfully loaded tabs.state: ~/.config/deluge/gtk3ui_state/tabs.state
saying "Error accessing memory". (Literal translation.)

In a futile attempt i also tried to launch the gui after i deleted all the *.bak suffixes under ~/.config/deluge/gtk3ui_state/.

The deamon and deluge-console run fine.

I'm guessing the problem is related to a python update (3.10.9-1 -> 3.10.10-1) five days ago.
Still i feel clueless what to do. Any advice would be appreciated.
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Re: GTK-UI doesn't start

Post by ambipro »

I don't have any experience with gtk under linux or endeavour specifically, I run deluge in docker on unraid and thinclient in windows so take this as general troubleshooting...but worth a try I'd say.

1. Try restarting your PC/Server, as the error seems likely to be linked to a kernel/IO issue and possibly not related to GTK itself? Just a guess but worth a try. Error accessing memory is likely an allocation problem and is probably linked to python libraries or something in the kernel, as GTK probably calls those libraries to do this and allocate memory directly, but I'm assuming that.

2. Deleting your backups of config files was a little pointless, deluge doesn't reference those, and it might have been more useful to actually keep them and try to use them instead of the current configuration to see if something was changed in the configs that caused this. Now you're kind of stuck. You can however delete the configuration files completely (although I would suggest you make backups, simply "mv gtk3ui_state gtk3ui_state_bak" in the config directory, while deluge is not running, which should generate default configs. You could also do this with the entire deluge configuration directory, see if it errors with default everything, and "cp" the state folder and necessary config files back as you need and see what breaks.

3. However, saying all this - the first thing you might try is reverting back to the previous version of python man...if it worked, then you upgraded python, and then it didn't, I don't see how you would be even say you think this might be related to that.

Take some steps to narrow this down.
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Re: GTK-UI doesn't start

Post by zausel76 »

I found the bug's ticket and a workaround.
I'm feel so relieved! :)

@ambipro: Thanks for lending an online stranger a helping hand. I appreciate that.
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