Frequent "Error: Connection timed out" tracker results with Pi 3 and Pi 4

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Re: Frequent "Error: Connection timed out" tracker results with Pi 3 and Pi 4

Post by QWIKAG »

See below my Fix and the experiences
same issue on 1.3.15 and 2.0.3
See attached.
The Marked (Red) setting was the reason for my troubles.
I was getting intermittent Connection Timed Out on various torrents, especially the torrents that were old.
I thought I had fixed it by downloading fresh torrent files and starting them again, and forcing check, but other torrents would then become troublesome.
Reset a specific Torrents Trackers and another would show up.
Also I could still download and torrents would also seed, but it was intermittent, and at least 1/2 would be in error state.
It seemed like my Proxy was failing, It did not help that my Provider NordVPN kept disabling their Socksv5 Proxy Servers. So the assumption was it was them for a long time.
They also did not have clear documentation about the correct setup.
Well it is now. I think they have sorted it.
I could not find a solution for these connection time outs, and I have been searching for well over a year.

The Setting that should have been:
In Proxy, Proxy Trackers = False
Of course there could be many other reason for it. from your proxy to the port settings. But the intermittent nature of it points to my fix here.
Damn this is a complex topic.
Screenshot from 2021-05-01 23-45-11.jpg
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Re: Frequent "Error: Connection timed out" tracker results with Pi 3 and Pi 4

Post by mhertz »

I'm honestly forgetting proxy related stuff, as not used it for years, since changed to VPN, but I do know that trackers save and announce your sender IP to swarm, and disabling tracker proxying imho isn't good, as copyright firms can harvest your IP. However, I'm not even sure libtorrent 1.2.x supports anymore the separating of proxying different stuff, but cant remember. Force_proxy in older libtorrent's, which is default in 1.2.x I believe, I'm talking about "force proxy use" in deluge, I'd presume not allowing disabling tracker proxying, but again, not sure. Personally I wouldn't like disabling that, but understand of-course the issue is annoying. I'd also enable anonymous_mode myself(hide client identity) and proxy host names.

Anyway, I'm not helpful towards your issue I'm affraid :( Back when I used proxies, I always hardcoded an IP instead of using URL like you're doing, and used a good one with fast speeds and stable, which I tested in advance, though there is stability issues with torrents and socks5 in all browsers, at times, imho, but honestly saw better stability in qbittorrent, probably related to other libtorrent version used presumably.
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