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Rename and move

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2021 6:03 pm
by AnotherTorrenter
what would be the best option to rename and move a downloaded file to another folder, and still keep seeding it?
I would like to get rid as well of the other files that come with the file I'm interested in.

I'm running deluge under Raspbian 10 lite, so only web interface or Deluge 1.3.15 as Thin client from win10

Example of a downloaded torrent:

I would like to get rid of the folder "AfolderCreatedByTheTorrent" and of the "anotheruselessfile.xt" file
rename "[someName]TheFileIwant_anotherstuff.ext" to "TheFileIwant.ext"
and move it to /mydrive/torrentsdownloaded/Archive/


Re: Rename and move

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2021 2:40 pm
by AnotherTorrenter
So I figured out a couple of things...
- I can rename from the <<files tab>> but only from the Windows Client and not from the Web UI
- I can move the whole torrent folder or if it is a single file with <<right clic --> move storage>> but
1) you have to know the path (the actual path is shown on the windows client but not on the Web UI)
2) I cannot move only one file among those in the folder (so I can get rid of the others)

Re: Rename and move

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2021 4:06 pm
by AnotherTorrenter
so.... not too many answers here...
Did I do something wrong? if so, I appologize and may somebody send me a PM to point out my mistake.

Thank you

Re: Rename and move

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2021 4:50 pm
by mhertz
Sorry, sometimes not much going on, or people just don't know, like me who only use deluge-console. Nothing you did wrong in the slightest! :)

I can not help much I'm affraid, but think that you should reorganize first and move later, since single files in multi-file torrent i'd guess cannot be moved. In GTKUI I think remember reading you can ditch a folder by renaming it away, during the renaming of files. I then made very quick search and read another state he misses the delete file option from contents/files tab of qbittorrent which he was used to in deluge. Then with only the single wanted file without folder, a move storage could be done, I'd theorize, but again keep in mind I'm affraid I know not anything I'm talking about here, so could be all wrong ;) I'm not home to check/test either. Good luck!

Re: Rename and move

Posted: Sat Jul 08, 2023 2:24 pm
by jacko
I think the best (and possibly the only) approach is:
1. Mark the files "skip" (as in "do not download") to start with. If you have downloaded already and want not to store, still "skip"
2. Move all the skipped files (and folders if you have any) to a new folder within the torrent, i.e "to_delete"
3. Delete the contents of "to_delete" using the OS file manager. This can be done before or after moving the torrent to your archive destination
4. Run a "Force Re-check" on the torrent. It should now show the correct downloaded/skipped files.

This approach is not without side effects. Primarily some of the files in the "to_delete" folder are going to get re-created because they may be sharing a "part" with a file you kept. But not to worry, they do not occupy the full space.
Nevertheless, do not use "pre-allocate disk space" option unless you know that you need it.

Moving, renaming, files and folders in a torrent is easy with the GUI. I have not been able to find how these are done with RPC calls or using the command line client "deluge-console".

A new folder can be created by simply renaming a file and adding a "folder/" to the beginning. I.e: renaming "file.txt" to "folder/file.txt" creates the folder "folder" and moves "file.txt" to this newly created folder. With the GUI client of course.