deluge just broke on archlinux

General support for problems installing or using Deluge
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Joined: Thu May 22, 2014 9:28 am

Re: deluge just broke on archlinux

Post by pjlbyrne »

Okay I compiled my own python3.10 from source and worked around the problem with ssl cert validation by setting SSL_CERT_DIR in the systemd environment as detailed in other threads. Hopefully this will be stable now and not getting broken by random updates to mainline arch python or whateveer.

I used pip uninstall as you suggested and it works. Thanks very much! I could go back to the machine python but I think I will stick with python3.10 for the above-mentioned reasons. Basically STABILITY. Cheers.
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Re: deluge just broke on archlinux

Post by mhertz »

Good job finding a solution working for you buddy and thanks for reporting back :)

@all, Just for completeness, if anybody possibly interested, then I was wrong in my previous assumption that '--root' param was a fix - frankly there's no issue in a freshly installed clean arch VM, so no '--root' param neccesary(some deps need installed from pacman or pip as missed from install, but regardless), but however it hides a irrelevant error at end of install about zope-interface not found - it's too long to get into here, but it is installed and just is from twisted which defines it's dep to zope-interface in a way which confuses setuptools, name-normalization/pep503 and all, and hence thinks not available, but is, so can be ignored.

I found --root param hid that error from analyzing official arch deluge package which didn't exibit this issue during build(stable VS develop likewise), and the diff was 4 params, which I tested all and found '--root' being culprit. Anyway I checked setuptools sourcecode and that option internally enables --single-version-externally-managed, which skips the deps-resolving/install from not running the easy_install using function, and omits that stupid egg ending directory name(installs as flat package, like pip would have as also behind scenes enables said --single-version-externally-managed) - it's ment for distro-packagers mostly, and so personally would use that(plus package the files for pacman tracking) and install all the deluge deps from pacman as available in the repos anyway.

If anybody get issues like OP when actually running deluge* about zope-interface, then is imho issue of lingering setuptools of older version, or older zope-interface, somewhere in filesystem(zope-interface and setuptools specified without version qualifier in, so allows old, and the step actually trying update Zope-interface if old(from twisted) breaks here).

As said, just adding for completeness, and not relevant for OP.
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