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Deluge cannot write

Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2021 11:49 pm
by arashtrip

I am new to Linux Mint 20.0 and use Deluge for torrent files.
There are 4 main partitions on the system:
-a largest one used by Windows but I can read/write from Linux
-a small partition used by Linux (the main partition containing the download folder)
-a large ex4 partition owned by root
-a usb disk

my problem is that the deluge downloads only when the destination is set to the small linux partition (which is getting full very fast) and USB disk. I was not able to set it in a way that it downloads to the other drives. I tried to change the ownership and my user belongs to the root group

How can I fix this matter?

Re: Deluge cannot write

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2022 2:11 pm
by shamael

As root create a folder on the large ext4 partition and with chown command assign your user/group to it (the one of your login user). Check with "ls -al" you get well your user/group and the assigned permission.
In Deluge change the downbload folder to this new path and it should work