ETA on 2.0.3 .app

Support for Deluge on Apple Mac OS
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Re: ETA on 2.0.3 .app

Post by Shadallark »

And success... somehow?

Okay, so the app provided by @Lord-Kamina is working now and connecting to my v2.0.4dev23 seedbox running on a Raspberry Pi 0. I am not sure what I did to cause that to work but I will list a couple of the things I was doing recently:
  • Was trying to install from Source Code on my MacBook Pro;
  • Got errors telling me Pillow was missing;
  • Tried installing Pillow;
  • Seemed to work but deluged still complained Pillow was missing;
  • Installed MacPorts;
  • Removed Homebrew from the Mac;
  • Restarted the seedbox;
  • Running deluged on the seedbox from source code using the Development Environment instructions;
  • Running the console on the seedbox to make sure it was running; and
  • not running deluge-web on the seedbox.
This time when I started the v2.0.3.post7 version from @Lord-Kamina above it came up with the connection manager on start and was showing the seedbox as connectable. When I connected to the seedbox it brought up a window telling me I had a Queued Torrent of deluge-bin. I removed it and the connection finished being established.

One thing I have noticed though is that the torrent I had added on the seedbox through the deluge-console on the seedbox does not show up in the Mac OSX app. If I add a torrent through the Mac app it shows up in both places. This is not an issue for me as I will only ever be adding torrents through the Mac app going forward. (Restarting the Mac app still just shows the one I added from the Mac).

Running Deluged v2.0.x on a Raspberry Pi 3b running Raspian (Debian Buster) with a Mac OSX Thin Client.
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Re: ETA on 2.0.3 .app

Post by Lord-Kamina »

I wonder what is up with that deluge-bin torrent thing. Maybe it's a side-effect from my trying to be clever and migrate deluge 1.3 settings?
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Re: ETA on 2.0.3 .app

Post by Shadallark »

Shadallark wrote:One thing I have noticed though is that the torrent I had added on the seedbox through the deluge-console on the seedbox does not show up in the Mac OSX app. If I add a torrent through the Mac app it shows up in both places.
While making some other changes to my seedbox I realized that I had set the permission level on my account in the auth file only at level 5; I upped it to 10 and restarted deluged on the seedbox. Now I am able to see all the torrents not just the ones I added from Mac OSX.

Running Deluged v2.0.x on a Raspberry Pi 3b running Raspian (Debian Buster) with a Mac OSX Thin Client.
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Re: ETA on 2.0.3 .app

Post by Lord-Kamina »

I ran Deluge with logging set to debug and I noticed the Deluge-bin thing appears to be some kind of bug in the parsing of arguments...


Code: Select all

${EXEC} "${PYTHON}" "${bundle_macos}/${name}-bin" --config="${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}" --logfile="${HOME}/Library/Logs/org.deluge-2.0/${name}-${LOGTIMESTAMP}.log" --loglevel info "$@" ${EXTRA_ARGS}
, expands to

Code: Select all

exec /Applications/ /Applications/ --config=~/Library/Preferences/org.deluge-2.0 --logfile=~/Library/Logs/org.deluge-2.0/Deluge-2020-04-15_20-07-57.log --loglevel info --loglevel debug
, but then for some reason Deluge thinks i've passed

Code: Select all

as an argument.

Don't know why this is happening.
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Re: ETA on 2.0.3 .app

Post by Lord-Kamina »

I finally found the cause of the Deluge-bin thing and managed to fix it. I'm trying out some unrelated improvements and will commit to my still-open PR in the Deluge repo, as well as release new .app once I'm done.
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Re: ETA on 2.0.3 .app

Post by fuga »

looking forward to it.
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Re: ETA on 2.0.3 .app

Post by Lord-Kamina »

Actually gonna take a bit more because I'm planning to add proper magnet support but I need to patch gtk-osx-application for that and I'm roughing the edges out on that.
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Re: ETA on 2.0.3 .app

Post by fuga »

Thanks for the update. No worries!
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Re: ETA on 2.0.3 .app

Post by kalel »

Thanks for the update for this wonderful app!

While using v2.0.3.post7 version from @Lord-Kamina, to import my old torrents from '/Users/MYUSER/.config/deluge/state/' I had to use this code before/during first start:

Code: Select all

         with open('/Users/MYUSER/.config/deluge/state/torrents.state', 'rb') as fx1y:
             d = pickle.load(fx1y, encoding='latin1')
         with open('/Users/MYUSER/.config/deluge/state/torrents.state', 'wb') as fx2y:
             pickle.dump(d, fx2y)
I adapted the code from this post viewtopic.php?t=55508#p230598 into '' at first start just to run it once and restored the file '' to its original afterwards.
After that I copied everything from '/Users/MYUSER/.config/deluge/state/' to '/Users/MYUSER/Library/Preferences/org.deluge-2.0/state/' and started Deluge v2.0.3.post7 version from @Lord-Kamina. My torrents are there now.

Magnet links work just like before using 'Magnet.Handler.v1.3.0' that worked with Deluge v1.3.15.
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Re: ETA on 2.0.3 .app

Post by Lord-Kamina »

The next version of the app will make Magnet Handler obsolete if you're on 10.13 or newer.
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