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Python API help

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2017 6:34 pm
by slvrdragn
Hey There,
I'm a recent convert over from uTorrent where I had some pretty extensive automation using APIs. Looking for anything with experience using python with deluge, as my googleFu is failing me and I'm not finding any good examples of how to accomplish what I need.

Some of the things:
1. remove torrents when label + size exceeds a limit
2. remove torrents when label + blacklist regex matches
3. reassign torrent to label based on regex match
4. set priority of torrent based on label "comics to the bottom, tv to the top"
5. if torrent has no label, set to paused.

I have dynamic text files that are used as source for keywords, one phrase per line, one file per label that are converted in python to regex :)

Any guidance or example code of how to fetch the list of torrents, check the above conditions and then send back an action (pause, relabel, remove w/ data) would be very appreciated.


Re: Python API help

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2017 6:37 pm
by slvrdragn
I should probably mention.
Python 2.7
OpenSuse 42.3
Deluge 2.0b2

Re: Python API help

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2017 8:19 pm
by slvrdragn
If i do the below code, when it passes " printSuccess(None, False, "--Torrent: %s" % (status)) " it then gives me "Unhandled error in Deferred:
" and I'm not sure why. If i comment out all the IF after that, it dumps the list as expected.

Code: Select all


from deluge.log import LOG as log
from deluge.ui.client import client
import deluge.component as component
from twisted.internet import reactor, defer
import time
import sys
import requests
import json
from pprint import pprint
import humanfriendly
import re
import os


print "Loading Blacklist..."
# Open the file for reading.
with open('/opt/blacklist.names', 'r') as blackfile:
    blackwords =  # Read the contents of the file into memory.
# Return a list of the lines, breaking at line boundaries.
blacklist = blackwords.splitlines()

print "Loading STUFF..."
# Open the file for reading.
with open('/opt/list.stuff', 'r') as stufffile:
    stuffwords =  # Read the contents of the file into memory.
# Return a list of the lines, breaking at line boundaries.
stufflist = stuffwords.splitlines()

year, month, day, hour, minute = time.strftime("%Y,%m,%d,%H,%M").split(',')

cliconnect = client.connect()
is_interactive = True # Set this to True to allow direct output or set to False for cron

cats = ['anime','tv','books','comics','pron','stuff','apps','movies','music']
pcats = ['stuff','pron']

regex = r"([Ss][0-9].*[Ee][0-9]([Ee])?([0-9])?(\-([Ee])?[0-9][0-9])?)"
regex2 = r"([0-9])?[0-9]x[0-9]([0-9])?([0-9])?"
regex3 = r"([0-9]-([Ee])?[0-9]([0-9])?)"

status_keys = [#"state",

count = 0
torrent_ids = []

def printSuccess(dresult, is_success, smsg):
    global is_interactive
    if is_interactive:
        if is_success:
            print "[+]", smsg
            print "[i]", smsg

def printError(emsg):
    global is_interactive
    if is_interactive:
        print "[e]", emsg

def endSession(esresult):
    if esresult:
        print esresult
        printSuccess(None, False, "Client disconnected.")

def printReport(rresult):
    printSuccess(None, True, "TOTAL TORRENTS: %i" % (count))

def on_torrents_status(torrents):
    global filtertime
    for torrent_id, status in torrents.items():
        printSuccess(None, False, "Current torrent id is: %s" % (torrent_id))
        printSuccess(None, False, "--Torrent: %s" % (status)) 
        if status['label'] == 'tv' :
            if status["total_size"] > 654288000  and,  status['name']) is not None or,  status['name']) is not None and"gilmore.*girls",  status['name']) is None and,  status['name']) is  None:
                tlist.append(client.core.remove_torrent(torrent_id, True).addCallbacks(printSuccess))
                #print 'TV'
            if '1080p' in  status['name'] or '2160p' in  status['name'] or '4320p' in  status['name'] :
                #print "TOO HIGH"
                tlist.append(client.core.remove_torrent(torrent_id, True).addCallbacks(printSuccess))
        elif status['label'] == 'movies' :
            if  status['total_size'] > 2100000000:
                #print "MOVIES"
                tlist.append(client.core.remove_torrent(torrent_id, True).addCallbacks(printSuccess))
        elif status['label'] in pcats:
            for eachline3 in stufflist:
                eachline3 = re.sub('[^0-9a-zA-Z]+', ' ', eachline3)
                eachline3 = re.sub('\s+', ' ', eachline3)
                eachlineb = re.compile(eachline3.replace(' ','.*').lower())
                if, status['name']) is not None:
                    #print "Stuff hit" + eachline3 + " " + status['name'] 
                    #print eachline3

            if stufftrack == 0:
                for eachline2 in blacklist:
                  if eachline2 is not None:
                      eachline2u = unicode(eachline2, 'utf8')
                      eachline2u = re.sub('[^0-9a-zA-Z]+', ' ', eachline2u)
                      eachline2u = re.sub('\s+', ' ', eachline2u)
                      eachlinec = re.compile(eachline2u.replace(' ','.*').lower())
                      #print blacklist
                      if,  status['name']) is not None :  #and  k['cat'] == 'pron'
                            #print "Blacklist: ","Keyword: ", eachline2, status['name']
                            tlist.append(client.core.remove_torrent(torrent_id, True).addCallbacks(printSuccess))
        #printSuccess(None, False, "--Torrent name is: %s" % (status['name']))
        #printSuccess(None, False, "--Torrent size is: %s" % (status["total_size"]))
        #printSuccess(None, False, "--Torrent size is: %s" % (status["total_size"]))
        #printSuccess(None, False, "--Torrent state is: %s" % (status["state"]))
        #printSuccess(None, False, "--Torrent ratio is: %s" % (status["ratio"]))
        #printSuccess(None, False, "--Torrent DL rate is: %s" % (status["download_payload_rate"]))
        #rintSuccess(None, False, "--Torrent UL rate is: %s" % (status["upload_payload_rate"]))
        #rintSuccess(None, False, "--Torrent tracker is: %s" % (status["tracker_status"]))
#        break
        global count
        count += 1

def on_session_state(result):
    client.core.get_torrents_status({"id": result}, status_keys).addCallback(on_torrents_status)

def delete_torrent(result):
    client.core.remove_torrent(result, True ).addCallback(on_torrents_status)

def on_connect_success(result):
    printSuccess(None, True, "Connection was successful!")
    curtime = time.time()
    printSuccess(None, False, "Current unix time is %i" % (curtime))

cliconnect.addCallbacks(on_connect_success, endSession, errbackArgs=("Connection failed: check settings and try again."))