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Re: [Plugin] YaRSS2 - RSS plugin with GTKUI support

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2016 7:24 pm
by marcospinto
GrapedUp wrote:Is there a list of supported indexers anywhere? With KAT gone I'm having trouble finding a public indexer with RSS support for search queries. is great for rss and public torrents. check it out.

Re: [Plugin] YaRSS2 - RSS plugin with GTKUI support

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2016 3:12 pm
by Ripper346
Hello, I'm new at using Deluge so maybe it's a stupid question, I have activated YaRSS2 with some feeds but it continues to start the download of all the feeds every time it updates the subscriptions. Deleting the torrents doesn't affect it (I'm arriving from uTorrent that saved what it was already downloaded so I supposed it was the same). I haven't really understood yet what is for the "last matched" field but I tried to check/uncheck the ignore and anything happened. The other options are all in "Deluge default". I'm using 1.3.13 version on Windows 10, Python 2.7. Anyone can help me? Thank you.

Re: [Plugin] YaRSS2 - RSS plugin with GTKUI support

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2017 6:37 pm
by n0b3dience
I'm new to Deluge and YaRSS. Is there any way to easily browse RSS feeds without going into the preferences menu and then either adding a new subscription or editing an existing subscription? I had been a μtorrent user for a long time, but I recently built a file server (running Ubuntu 16.04) and would like to set it up so that I can control it mostly from my primary desktop (running Windows 10) or my laptop (also Ubuntu 16.04 with MATE DE) and Deluge sounded like the perfect option. While I have plenty of issues with the direction μtorrent has gone in the past several years, I really like how straightforward and feature filled the UI is. You can access your RSS feeds from the sidebar and browse them in primary window. If anyone knows a way to setup Deluge in a similar way (or a different but equally effective way) I'd love to hear how. Is there a way to do this either within YaRSS2 or Deluge itself? If not, is there an additional plugin that could offer such functionality? Thanks in advance.

Re: [Plugin] YaRSS2 - RSS plugin with GTKUI support

Posted: Sun Mar 12, 2017 9:59 pm
by toby
Would it be possible to add a feature to check a feed more intensively for a short period?

In the edit feed window it simply says Update Interval. Could this be expanded, to offer more frequent updates for a short time? Have a day selector (including various day combos like Mon-Fri) then start and end hour selectors and an interval selector. Possibly also a warning if this would total a large number of requests (eg >400 a week). This enables us to jump on a new torrent faster without adding extra load. I'd set it to look every 5m within a small window then much less frequently during the rest of the week.

Re: [Plugin] YaRSS2 - RSS plugin with GTKUI support

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2017 6:21 pm
by galneon
galneon wrote:I'm experiencing frequent ThinClient disconnects. I've never had a single unexpected client disconnect in my years of using Deluge until I began using YaRSS2 a few days ago. Client version 1.3.13, python 2.7 using YaRSS2 1.4.3-2.7. The client runs on Windows 7, the server running the daemon is on Windows 8.1. I don't have any network problems and both connections are wired.
client disconnect.png
This disconnect occurs several times a day (twice in the last two hours). It happens regardless of if a secure feed is used or not. It doesn't occur if all of my subscriptions are disabled.
Have to ask one more time... Is no one else experiencing these disconnects from the daemon only when YaRSS2 is active? :/

Re: [Plugin] YaRSS2 - RSS plugin with GTKUI support

Posted: Fri May 05, 2017 2:35 am
by SteveFord
I'm pretty new to this and have a pretty basic question. I'm running Deluge in a docker on an unRaid server, and I'm trying to get YaRSS2 working. I've installed it through the Web UI. I understand you can't configure it through the Web UI, but need to use GTKUI. What is that? My google ability has failed me and I can't seem to figure out what that means. I'm using Windows 10 for my main PC. Is there a Windows client available to access the config? I know this is a pretty basic question.



Re: [Plugin] YaRSS2 - RSS plugin with GTKUI support

Posted: Fri May 05, 2017 11:48 pm
by SteveFord
Ok, I figured it out finally. I didn't realize I just needed to install the deluge app and uncheck classic mode.


Re: [Plugin] YaRSS2 - RSS plugin with GTKUI support

Posted: Thu May 25, 2017 9:06 pm
by Cthanatos
So I've got yarss2 working fine on a physical machine, but I'm moving my deluge client to a VM behind a VPN so the VPN doesn't mess with people who want to use the Plex server. Is there a way to transfer the long list of feeds and subs I have? I can do it manually, just wondering.

Re: [Plugin] YaRSS2 - RSS plugin with GTKUI support

Posted: Thu May 25, 2017 11:27 pm
by Shryp
Cthanatos wrote:So I've got yarss2 working fine on a physical machine, but I'm moving my deluge client to a VM behind a VPN so the VPN doesn't mess with people who want to use the Plex server. Is there a way to transfer the long list of feeds and subs I have? I can do it manually, just wondering.
Just copy the yarss2.conf file from your deluge settings folder. (Or just copy the whole folder.)

Re: [Plugin] YaRSS2 - RSS plugin with GTKUI support

Posted: Fri May 26, 2017 2:21 pm
by nam66
Hi, my deluge is connected using socks5 proxy. Deluge works without problem but this plugin not. It seems, any website block by my ISP (eg: is not bypass in yarss2 plugin. So i cant fetch any rss from torrent website. Although I already set deluge to use socks5 for all connection