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Re: [Plugin] YaRSS2 - RSS plugin with GTKUI support

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2016 1:19 pm
by jantjo
Hey there, wondering if there is away to pass two different arguments to YaRRS2 to change how it handles torrent matches.

1st would be the option to "do not add torrents name in path" the same that rutorrent rss plugin works. the use case or reason is to normalize the download folders between sites, some sites create torrents in a (root)/file structure and other's create with /torrentname/file. so this would strip the intended torrent folder structure and just download the torrent contents to desired location

2nd, which complements the 1st one. is there a way to pass an alias of the torrentname to the download location. ie. /files/mvoie/%torrentname/ or /files/movie/%2 (as I %2 is this value in deluge when sending notifications).

what does this end up doing?

it enforces a clean folder structure not depending in the trackers format. if the torrents created in the root or torrentname, this will strip the existing folder structure and then create the torrent in the defined folder.

Hopefully this is possible.

Re: [Plugin] YaRSS2 - RSS plugin with GTKUI support

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2016 12:56 pm
by giacomo93
Hi! Thanks for all! I Installed correctly Deluge and I'm using the webui version because I have Server Edition, anyway I installed YaRSS2 v1.4.3 but it doesn't work so I was trying to remove the actual version and install v1.4.* something else, would you tell me where is located?
Or maybe how to solve, I have Python v2.7 so obv I tried to install the right one, but even if I click on the plugin it doesn't work at all! Thanks guys

Re: [Plugin] YaRSS2 - RSS plugin with GTKUI support

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2016 1:33 pm
by gderf
YaRSS2 plugin does not work from the deluge webUI.

If you look at the list of available 3rd party plugins at you will see in the far right column which plugins work in the webUI and which do not.

You don't say what OS deluge is running on, but on Linux the plugins are stored here:


Where username is the name of the user deluge runs as.

If deluge is on Windows, then the plugins are stored here:


Where username is as above and AppData is a hidden folder.

Re: [Plugin] YaRSS2 - RSS plugin with GTKUI support

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2016 1:44 pm
by giacomo93
Crap! I'm using Ubuntu headless so only via terminal, how can I solve this problem? Is there another way to use RSS via webui?? thanks

Re: [Plugin] YaRSS2 - RSS plugin with GTKUI support

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2016 4:06 pm
by Shryp
You could try setting up a thinclient on a different machine and run the GUI that way. Once you configure YaRSS2 you don't need the GUI anymore.

Re: [Plugin] YaRSS2 - RSS plugin with GTKUI support

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2016 8:10 pm
by zwitterion
So do I understand correctly?

Let's say I've deluge on my seedbox. I install thin client on my PC, then i add YaRSS2 here, add rss feeds, filters, etc.
Then i turn off client on PC. Does that mean that Deluge on seedbox will still grab torrents from RSS, or i need the client on PC to be running?

Re: [Plugin] YaRSS2 - RSS plugin with GTKUI support

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2016 9:55 pm
by Shryp
zwitterion wrote:So do I understand correctly?

Let's say I've deluge on my seedbox. I install thin client on my PC, then i add YaRSS2 here, add rss feeds, filters, etc.
Then i turn off client on PC. Does that mean that Deluge on seedbox will still grab torrents from RSS, or i need the client on PC to be running?
Once it is set up the seedbox will continue to grab the RSS. You only need the GUI connected for configuring it.

Re: [Plugin] YaRSS2 - RSS plugin with GTKUI support

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2016 2:10 pm
by gderf
zwitterion wrote:So do I understand correctly?

Let's say I've deluge on my seedbox. I install thin client on my PC, then i add YaRSS2 here, add rss feeds, filters, etc.
Then i turn off client on PC. Does that mean that Deluge on seedbox will still grab torrents from RSS, or i need the client on PC to be running?
The client on the PC does not need to be running for deluge on the seedbox to operate as you wish. Just be sure that when you bring the PC thin client up you connect to the seedbox copy of deluge and not the localhost copy, and then do the YaRSS2 setup.

Re: [Plugin] YaRSS2 - RSS plugin with GTKUI support

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2016 11:34 am
by DashKappei
Hi there,
i post here to suggest an improvement of YaRSS2.
It would be really nice to see and download manually directly from an RSS Feed/Subscription.
Maybe a tab like LabelPlus would be the best option, so the coloumn would have the list of feeds and on the torrent section the downloadable torrents.
And it would also be useful to notify when the feeds have new releases (for example as qbittorrent does).
I ask this because sometimes they release something that i don't know, and like thisi i cannot lose any.

Hope this is going to be useful.

Re: [Plugin] YaRSS2 - RSS plugin with GTKUI support

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2016 4:55 am
by asensio
This is a suggestion for a new feature.
I have several feeds in my YaRSS2 config, I think everyone does. It would be useful to choose multiple feeds for a single search. Something like this:


Is this possible?
Thanks for all your work :)