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Re: [Plugin] YaRSS2 - RSS plugin with GTKUI support

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2012 9:40 pm
by Homp
Just another post to say magnet support is wanted :)

Re: [Plugin] YaRSS2 - RSS plugin with GTKUI support

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2012 3:55 pm
by justsomedude
Hello, thanks for your effort but like you said we're sure to find bugs... mine is this
Opensuse 11.4 deluge v1.3.5 with python 2.7
I just installed the plugin, added the on the RSS Feeds tab, went over to subscriptions and added a new subscription, the torrents appeared as expected, i then used a regex to filter the torrents and it went ok. I clicked OK and then added another feed (OK) but then when i went to add a new subscription, clicking on the "Add subscription" button doesn't do anything.

Re: [Plugin] YaRSS2 - RSS plugin with GTKUI support

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2012 6:49 pm
by bro
This is probably because the config has been messed up somehow. You didn't play with adding/removing email messages did you?
It might help if you start deluge with logging and see if there is anything there explain this.

What happens if you restart deluge? Does it still not work? If not, it's most probably the config. (~/.config/deluge/yarss2.conf)

Re: [Plugin] YaRSS2 - RSS plugin with GTKUI support

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2012 2:54 am
by justsomedude
bro wrote:@justsomedude
This is probably because the config has been messed up somehow. You didn't play with adding/removing email messages did you?
It might help if you start deluge with logging and see if there is anything there explain this.

What happens if you restart deluge? Does it still not work? If not, it's most probably the config. (~/.config/deluge/yarss2.conf)
I didn't touch the email section at all.

When i run deluge from the command line with the I and L flags
from the log file (deluge.log)

Code: Select all

[INFO    ] 10:45:29 main:125 Deluge ui 1.3.5
[INFO    ] 10:45:29 main:131 Starting ui..
[INFO    ] 10:45:29 ui:148 Starting GtkUI..
[INFO    ] 10:45:31 client:221 Connecting to daemon at
[INFO    ] 10:45:31 client:125 Connected to daemon at
[INFO    ] 10:45:31 pluginmanagerbase:158 Plugin YaRSS2 enabled..
from the terminal running deluge
When i click on "Edit subscription"

Code: Select all

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/xxxxx/.config/deluge/plugins/YaRSS2-1.0.3-py2.7.egg/yarss2/gtkui/", line 700, in on_button_edit_subscription_clicked
  File "/home/xxxxx/.config/deluge/plugins/YaRSS2-1.0.3-py2.7.egg/yarss2/gtkui/", line 680, in get_move_completed_list
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'strip'
When Add Subscription is clicked

Code: Select all

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/xxxxx/.config/deluge/plugins/YaRSS2-1.0.3-py2.7.egg/yarss2/gtkui/", line 672, in on_button_add_subscription_clicked
  File "/home/xxxxx/.config/deluge/plugins/YaRSS2-1.0.3-py2.7.egg/yarss2/gtkui/", line 680, in get_move_completed_list
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'strip'
Here is my yarss2.conf

Code: Select all

  "file": 1, 
  "format": 1
  "cookies": {}, 
  "subscriptions": {
    "0": {
      "regex_include": "", 
      "regex_exclude": "S01E0[^1-3]", 
      "name": "tron", 
      "add_torrents_in_paused_state": false, 
      "regex_include_ignorecase": true, 
      "rssfeed_key": "0", 
      "custom_text_lines": "", 
      "last_update": "", 
      "regex_exclude_ignorecase": true, 
      "key": "0", 
      "move_completed": null, 
      "active": true, 
      "email_notifications": {}
  "email_messages": {}, 
  "rssfeeds": {
    "1": {
      "name": "alphas", 
      "url": "", 
      "site": "", 
      "last_update": "2012-06-23T10:03:39", 
      "key": "1", 
      "active": true, 
      "update_interval": 120
    "0": {
      "name": "tpb", 
      "url": "", 
      "site": "", 
      "last_update": "2012-06-23T10:03:39", 
      "key": "0", 
      "active": true, 
      "update_interval": 120
  "email_configurations": {
    "default_email_subject": "[YaRSS2]: RSS event", 
    "from_address": "", 
    "smtp_authentication": false, 
    "send_email_on_torrent_events": false, 
    "smtp_port": "", 
    "smtp_server": "", 
    "smtp_password": "", 
    "default_email_message": "Hi\n\nThe following torrents have been downloaded:\n\n$torrentlist\n\nRegards\n", 
    "smtp_username": "", 
    "default_email_to_address": ""

Re: [Plugin] YaRSS2 - RSS plugin with GTKUI support

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 12:34 pm
by bro
justsomedude, the problem is that the value of the "move_completed" key is null in your config. I have no idea how that happened, but I'll added a test when starting deluge client to check that the data type is correct for the config values. If you change null to "" it will work.

Re: [Plugin] YaRSS2 - RSS plugin with GTKUI support

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 9:33 pm
by justsomedude
I changed the null to "" but still the same results (cannot edit the subsctiption, cannot add a new subscription), i even restarted deluge just to be sure.

Re: [Plugin] YaRSS2 - RSS plugin with GTKUI support

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 11:21 am
by bro
Did you shut down deluge/daemon before changing the config?

Edit: I've put version 1.0.4. This version tests the values in the config, and replace invalid types with the default value.

Re: [Plugin] YaRSS2 - RSS plugin with GTKUI support

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 10:44 am
by dontod

Just trying yaRSS2 after a few years with flexget.

Getting this in the logfile:
[WARNING ] 11:33:46 common:121 YaRSS2.rssfeed_handling:76: Exception occured in feedparser:decode() takes no keyword arguments

Using window7, Deluge 1.3.5, YaRSS2 1.0.4 (py2.6)



Re: [Plugin] YaRSS2 - RSS plugin with GTKUI support

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 8:53 pm
by bro
dontod wrote:Hi,

Just trying yaRSS2 after a few years with flexget.

Getting this in the logfile:
[WARNING ] 11:33:46 common:121 YaRSS2.rssfeed_handling:76: Exception occured in feedparser:decode() takes no keyword arguments

Using window7, Deluge 1.3.5, YaRSS2 1.0.4 (py2.6)


I'd need to url you're using to debug this. Can you post or PM the url?

Re: [Plugin] YaRSS2 - RSS plugin with GTKUI support

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2012 7:34 am
by dontod
PM Sent.

