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Re: [Plugin] AutoAdd (multiple watchdir) plugin for deluge 1.2+

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2023 4:58 pm
by PixelBudsPro
This is the deluge part:
container_name: deluge
image: linuxserver/deluge:latest
restart: unless-stopped
network_mode: service:vpn # run on the vpn network
- PUID=${PUID} # default user id, defined in .env
- PGID=${PGID} # default group id, defined in .env
- TZ=${TZ} # timezone, defined in .env
- ${ROOT}/downloads:/downloads # downloads folder
- ${ROOT}/config/deluge:/deluge # config files

EDIT: It seems to be a pathing problem. My goal is to get the config files in /config/deluge and the downloads in /downloads, but this is creating a weird folder structure:
config is in config/config/deluge and downloads are in /config/downloads

Anyone got an Idea to fix this?

Re: [Plugin] AutoAdd (multiple watchdir) plugin for deluge 1.2+

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2023 7:46 pm
by ambipro
So do this

docker exec -it deluge /bin/sh

It should take you INTO the container, and from there double check that your path is accessible and can see the directory you are setting (that blackhole one)

If it isn't I'd question what your ${ROOT} is returning and whether downloads is a child directory of that.

Re: [Plugin] AutoAdd (multiple watchdir) plugin for deluge 1.2+

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2023 7:55 pm
by PixelBudsPro
Thanks for the advice, my ${ROOT} was returning a wrong path. I fixed the pathing Issue and now I'm getting a different Error:

Re: [Plugin] AutoAdd (multiple watchdir) plugin for deluge 1.2+

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2023 8:33 pm
by ambipro
I'm really not sure, that would be from deluge attempting to set your plugin settings maybe?

I don't use linuxserver's deluge image so I can't tell you much about it....Binhex's image doesn't have any of these issues you've been describing from my experience, so perhaps try his image - AutoAdd comes updated to latest in that image iirc.

Re: [Plugin] AutoAdd (multiple watchdir) plugin for deluge 1.2+

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2023 8:46 pm
by PixelBudsPro
I removed the AutoAdd Plugin and enabled it again, now it works. I don't really know why lol.
Thank you very much for the help!
Here's my deluge docker part, maybe it'll help someone in the future:

container_name: deluge
image: linuxserver/deluge:latest
restart: unless-stopped
network_mode: service:vpn # run on the vpn network
- PUID=${PUID} # default user id, defined in .env
- PGID=${PGID} # default group id, defined in .env
- TZ=${TZ} # timezone, defined in .env
- /config/deluge:/config/deluge # config files
- /downloads:/downloads # downloads folder

Re: [Plugin] AutoAdd (multiple watchdir) plugin for deluge 1.2+

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2023 9:05 pm
by ambipro
No problem.

Plugin window is not resizable

Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2024 12:00 pm
by dvonk
Plugin add watch directory window turns out to be non-resizable (well, I can stretch it wide but not in height) in Mozilla FF 115.8.0 and in Chrome 109.0.5414.120 (on windows 7 64 bit). It works OK in Safari on ios and mac os.

screenshot is here, can't upload it here as .png, sorry ... zuwg_/view

Re: [Plugin] AutoAdd (multiple watchdir) plugin for deluge 1.2+

Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2024 3:26 pm
by mhertz
I made a few changes once, but reported later to not be working by one, though I specifically added height stretching ability also, missing before, to workaround if other changes not having effect, but not sure if that worked or not(stretching manually), as couldn't trigger issue personally, so worked in blind here. Well it did make stretching height now work for me I tested, but I mean if the issue somehow overrides that for affected users I dunno, though seems unlikely honestly. Anyway, just a thought..

Manaul config editing

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2024 3:35 pm
by dvonk
By the way, you've remained me another issue, not sure it's about plugin not deluge by itself.
Trying to overcome the issue with unusable plugin window I did edit it's config file manually. I succeeded only once, after that config was restored to default each time deluge services started. I've stopped it manually, did edit, restart and got clean config every time.

About non-resizable window - if I stretch it vertically it shrinks back but becames one pixel higher maybe. So repeating this numerous time you can stretch it a little. Maybe that will help you to find a qlue

Re: [Plugin] AutoAdd (multiple watchdir) plugin for deluge 1.2+

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2024 5:29 pm
by mhertz
If you closed deluge(d) before editing, as you said, then should work except if entering an illegal value or breaking the formating in general, in which case it resets back to default. If not that, then indeed an issue more encountered.

Thanks for info on resizing. I couldn't reproduce myself and neither see issue in code so think it's an issue with the little old extjs version supplied together with deluge. Even though I couldn't reproduce, I could see that it wasen't possible to resize height, which I fixed, in addition to making dialog bigger by default than before, so if nothing else, then hopefully can drag dialog up now manually, when issue encountered, plus I added auto-scrolling behaviour on-top. If you already tried that, in my posted version I mean, then apologies for noise.