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Re: Can't run stadalone

Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2023 9:59 pm
by sharplad
I'm now trying to run deluge in a docker. Literally the first time I'm using Docker. I've gotten to the web interface of deluge, but I can't install the plugins that I want. I want to install YaRSS and ItConfig. I have downloaded their latest version, but when I install it, it does nothing and plugins don't get added. Docker python version is 3.11.
Any help would be appreciated.

Re: Can't run stadalone

Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2023 10:02 pm
by ambipro
I'm impressed you got it working that fast, I'm not sure what version or image you run, but I run "binhex/arch-deluge:libtorrentv1" and haven't had any issues. Me and mhertz have even worked with him on a bug and he was nice to deal with.

Are you using docker-compose or how are you managing?

I'm available this evening on Discord (send me a PM for my user) or the IRC (ambipro on there) if you want some live help.

Re: Can't run stadalone

Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2023 10:10 pm
by sharplad
Just using the latest version of deluge. got the image from this repo: Using Docker Desktop as I'm not that good with terminal. Live help would be great. How do I join the discord?

Re: Can't run stadalone

Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2023 11:12 pm
by ambipro
Oh there isn't a deluge discord, I'll DM you my username.

Re: Can't run stadalone

Posted: Mon Dec 25, 2023 2:17 pm
by sharplad
While ambipro is kindly helping me figure out running deluge in docker, I still prefer running it directly on linux. I would appreciate any extra help I can get to get it running. As you can see in this thread, my problem is deluge wouldn't run in standalone mode. uninstalling qbittorrent completely and then installing with sudo apt install qbittorrent did not help. TIA.

Re: Can't run stadalone

Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2023 10:41 am
by mhertz
Apologies, first read rest of thread now - little stupid post without answer, but just felt bad at looking like ignoring :) I'll find out tonight and edit in answer sorry guys.

Edit: Didn't either see page 2, on a roll :lol: - though above still applies apparently...

Edit2: Okay I tested on my ubuntu 22.04.3 VM, and got both deluge and qbittorrent running, by installing them from there PPAs and installing the static-built python3-libtorrent from pypi, through afterwards running: 'sudo pip3 install libtorrent==1.2.* -U'. This gives you libtorrent 1.2.19 for deluge and 2.0.9 for qbittorrent. If wanting 2.0.9 for deluge, then run afterwards(first need install 1.2.*, because semantics, unless using '--force'), 'sudo pip3 install libtorrent -U'. Btw, I had previous deluge and qbittorrent installed from last test-scenario I did for another user here, so started by uninstalling qbittorrent and deluge with apt, then running 'sudo apt autoremove' and then making sure all libtorrent-rasterbar's gone(as several) and not interferring with 'sudo apt purge libtorrent-rasterbar*' and 'sudo apt autoremove' for good meassure if anything found from previous command, and then I ran the first instructions I posted. Hope helps.

Re: Can't run stadalone

Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2023 10:39 am
by sharplad
This was just about installing the right libtorrent version install. As soon as I installed libtorrent 1.2.19 my current install of deluge started working. Much appreciated!
I wish there was a way to get Yarss working, but apparently there isn't. So, I'll try to get autobrr working.

Re: Can't run stadalone

Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2023 10:58 am
by mhertz
You're welcome :) Yeah I just cleaned up first, to be sure, from older crap. Could also just force libtorrent 1.2.16 which the deluge PPA provides, but then would have to pin it, as both the default repos and qbittorrent delivers newer versions upon updating next time, plus I'm not sure if qbittorrent even supports that version at all, which is nice about using pypi instead, as static built(libtorrent-rasterbar included with python3-libtorrent binding) and only for deluge, so no incompatibility or updating issues.

Yeah the crashing issue of yarss2 I wish we could get sorted out soon, been way to long already sadly :( That autodll replacement look nice, though personally have no knowledge of such advanced stuff honestly, and if wanting RSS specifically, then flexget maybe, but former faster as you know, though as said, no input from me on these. Thanks for reporting back :)

Re: Can't run stadalone

Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2023 1:22 pm
by sharplad
Now I'm getting a port issue. I set up portforwarding and checked, and it was working fine. But then a port issue appeared on the borrom right of screen. I checked again, and the settings say active port is "0". I have set it to 5001 which is forwarded on the router and is showing as open, but it still says "0" right underneath it.

Re: Can't run stadalone

Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2023 1:51 pm
by sharplad
Nevermind. This one is resolved.