bug: avail 0 instead of 1

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bug: avail 0 instead of 1

Post by lvm »

All fully downloaded torrents have 0 in Avail column instead of 1. Tried re-checking - value goes up, then shows 0 again when completed. Seeded torrents with some files skipped show real value. Note that I have libtorrent 1.2.19 installed.

BTW I am NOT a fan of only one decimal sign in avail/ratio columns. Thought I get used to it, but no. Rotten idea, make it 3 again.
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Re: bug: avail 0 instead of 1

Post by mhertz »

In deluge 'Avail' is tracking libtorrent's 'distributed_copies', showing full total copies of the peers/seeds you're connected to in swarm, though libtorrent stops tracking this upon seeding to be effecient(as normally only relevant for downloading). Reason for "seeding" torrents with skipped files doesn't disable this(so works in deluge), is that technically such torrents isn't seeding in libtorrent terminology, just finished if remember right. Btw, should show an infinite symbol(number 8 just sideways) I believe, as is -1 in this case and deluge displays infinite when returned value under 0, though haven't tested it myself in deluge, and might misunderstood deluge code(GTK-UI) / libtorrent docs.

Changing to more decimals there, is one char source change I believe, unless on Windows, where file not available for modding as freezed. Seen several people by now complain over too few decimals in various places, so maybe the affected should make a feature request, on the bug-tracker.
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Re: bug: avail 0 instead of 1

Post by kotobaki »

If you have fully downloaded torrents, then all the pieces should be available from at least one peer, so the availability should be 1 or higher. However, some torrents may have incomplete pieces due to network errors or other reasons, so the availability may show 0 even if all the pieces are downloaded. This does not mean that the torrent is not working properly, it just means that some pieces are missing.
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